Heydrick, B.A. Americans All. Harcourt, Brace, 1920. Howells, W.D. Great Modern American Stories. Boni & Liveright, 1920. (Does not include much recent work.) Laselle, Mary Augusta. Short Stories of the New America. Holt, 1919. Law, F.H. Modern Short Stories. Century, 1918. O’Brien, Edward J.H. Best short stories for 1915, 1916, etc. Published annually. Small, Maynard. Thomas, Charles Swain. Atlantic Narratives. Atlantic, 1918. Wick, Jean. The Stories Editors Buy and Why. Small, Maynard, 1921. Williams, Blanche Colton. Our Short Story Writers. Moffat, Yard, 1920. |