Shaikh Sharf-ud-dÎn was the son of Shaikh YahiÂ. His birthplace is Maner, a village near Patn in BehÂr (India). A love of knowledge and the religious life, and signs of spiritual greatness, were found in him from his early childhood. A strange Being was once seen by the cradle of the baby. The mother, frightened, reported the matter to her father, ShahÂb-ud-dÎn, a great saint. The latter consoled her, saying that the mysterious Presence was no less a Being than the Prophet Khezar On his initiation, Sharf-ud-dÎn lived for many a long year in the woods of Bihi and the RÂjgiri Hills. In his later days he adopted BihÂr (now a subdivisional town) as his residence, at the request of some of his friends and disciples. He died on Thursday, the 6th of ShawwÂl, 782 Hijra, in the opening years of the 15th Century A. D. His titular name is MakhdÛm-ul-Mulk, 'Master of the Kingdom or the World.' He was equally proficient in secular learning and esoteric Knowledge, and possessed superhuman powers. His tomb at BihÂr is still resorted to as a place of sanctity by a large number of devout Mahomedans. He wrote many works, of which three only have yet been published. These are:— (1.) MaktÛbÂt-i-SadÎ, a 'Series of a Hundred Letters' (or rather essays on definite subjects) addressed to his disciple QÂzÎ Shams-ud-dÎn in 747 Hijra. (2.) MaktÛbÂt-i-Bist-o-hasht, a 'Series of 28 Letters', being replies to the correspondence of his senior disciple, Mozaffar, the prince of Balkh. (3.) FawÂed-i-RuknÎ, a number of brief Notes prepared for the use of his disciple Rukn-ud-dÎn. The present booklet consists of the translation of copious extracts from MaktÛbÂt-i-SadÎ, the most elaborate and comprehensive of the three published works, with Notes occasionally added from the other two with a view to elucidate or complete the subject GayÂ, (BehÂr.) BAIJNÂTH SINGH. 1908. |