Why I Discuss Christian Science


If asked why I devote time and labour to the discussion of such seemingly foolish propositions as those propounded by Mrs. Eddy, my defence is that I am very much interested in the people who accept Christian Science, and would like to be of service to them, even though they may hold me and my motives in derision. Then, again, I feel that if we stand idly by while the Christian Scientists are concentrating all their efforts, sparing neither time nor money to spread their doctrine, we may wake up some morning to find that all our institutions—newspapers, courts, schools, etc.—have passed under the control of Mrs. Eddy's followers. That, in my opinion, would be a national menace.

If the teachings of Christian Science prevail, there will come into prominence the type of mentality which will dispense with all forms of inquiry, and accept for authority the "say-so" of a book, a man, or a woman as all-sufficient and final.

The passive mind easily becomes the plaything or instrument of every kind of imposture—political, economic, or religious. Non-resistance will prove the death of free institutions. I am opposed to Christian Science because I am opposed to the least departure from sanity. I have no other motive in this propaganda against the new cult. Whatever undermines the morale of the nation or is hurtful to the free and rational development of humanity should be combated again and again until it ceases to be a menace.



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