CAP. | | PAGE |
| Preface | v |
| Introduction | ix |
I. | He that wyl go toward Hierusalem on horse, on foote, or by sea | 4 |
II. | Of the Ilands of Greece | 14 |
III. | To come againe to Constantinople for to go to the Holy Land | 19 |
IV. | Of a terrible dragon | 22 |
V. | Of a yong man and his lemm? | 25 |
VI. | Of the maner of hunting in Cipres | 27 |
VII. | Of the haven named Jaffe | 29 |
VIII. | Of the haven of Tyre | 29 |
IX. | Of the Hyll Carme | 30 |
X. | How Sampson slew the King and his enemies | 32 |
XI. | The way to Bebilon whereas the Sowdan dwelleth | 33 |
XII. | Yet here foloweth of the Sowdan & his Kingdomes that he hath conquered, which he holdeth strongly with force | 35 |
XIII. | For to returne fro Sinay to Hierusalem | 37 |
XIV. | As men are passed this wildernesse againe coming to Hierusalem | 39 |
XV. | Here foloweth a little of Adam & Eve and other things | 41 |
XVI. | Of the dry tree | 43 |
XVII. | Fro Bethlehem | 44 |
XVIII. | Of a fayre mayden that shold be put to death wrongfully | 45 |
XIX. | Of the citie of Hierusalem | 48 |
XX. | Yet of ye holy citie of Hierusalem | 50 |
XXI. | Of ye church of ye holy sepulchre | 55 |
XXII. | Of the temple of God | 57 |
XXIII. | Yet of the temple of God | 59 |
XXIV. | Of the fayth and belyefe of Prester John, but he hath not all the full beliefe as we haue | 190 |
LXXXVIII. | Of an other yland where also dwelleth good people therein and is called Sinople | 191 |
LXXXIX. | Of two other yles, one is called Pitan wherein be little men that eat no meate, and in an other yle are the men all rough of fethers | 193 |
XC. | Of a rich man in Prester John's l?d named Catolonapes and of his gardeine | 194 |
XCI. | Of a marvailous valey that is beside the river of Phison | 196 |
XCII. | Of an yland wherin dwell people as great as gyants of 28 or 30 foote of length and other things | 198 |
XCIII. | Of women which make great sorow as their children are borne and great joy when they are dead | 199 |
XCIV. | Of an yland where men wed their owne daughters and kinswom? | 200 |
XCV. | Of an other yland wherein dwell full good people and true | 202 |
XCVI. | How King Alexander sent his men thither for to winne the land | 203 |
XCVII. | How the Emperour Prester John when he goeth to batayle he hath iii Crosses borne before him of gold | 204 |
XCVIII. | Of the most dwelling place of Prester John in a citie called Suse | 205 |
XCIX. | Of the wilderness wherein groweth the trees of the sonne and the moone | 207 |
C. | Of a great yland and Kingdome called Taprobane | 208 |
CI. | Of two other yles, one is called Orel, and the other Argete, where are many gold mynes | 209 |
CII. | Of ye darke country and hyls and roches of stone nigh to Paradise | 210 |
CIII. | A little of Paradise Terrestre | 211 |
CIV. | How Prester Johns land lieth fote against fote to England | 213 |
CV. | Of the Kingdome of Ryboth | 214 |
CVI. | Of a rich man that is neither King, Prince, Duke ne Erle | 216 |
CVII. | How of all these lands, yles, and kingdomes, and the men thereof afore rehersed haue some of the articles of our faith | 217 |
CVIII. | How John Maundevyl leveth many mervayles unwritten and the cause therefore | 218 |
CIX. | What time John Maundevil departed out of England | APPENDIX.The journall of Frier Odoricus. —Of the maners of the Chaldeans, and of India. —How peper is had: and where it groweth. —Of a strange and uncouth idole: & of certaine customes and ceremonies. —Of certaine trees yeelding meale, honey, and poyson. —Of the abundance of fishes which cast themselues upon the shore. —Of the Island of Sylan: and of the mountaine where Adam mourned for his sonne Abel. —Of the upper India: and of the province of Mancy. —Of the citie of Fuco. —Of a Monastery where many strange beastes of divers kindes doe live upon an hill. —Of the citie of Cambaleth. —Of the glory and magnificence of the great Can. —Of certain Innes or hospitals appointed for traveilers throughout the whole empire. —Of the foure feasts which the great Can solemnizeth euery yeere in his court. —Of divers provinces and cities. —Of a certaine riche man, who is fed and nourished by 50 virgins. —Of the death of Senex de monte. —Of the honour and reverence done unto the great Can. —Of the death of frier Odoricus. | 221 |
Extra Plates in Illustration of the Book | 267 |
List of the Editions in the British Museum | 277 |