
Of the table whereon Christ eat after his resurrection.

IN this citie of Tiberyen is the table that Christ eat on with his disciples after his resurrection & they knew him in breaking of bread (as holy writ saith) Et cognoverunt eum in fractione Panis. That is to say, they knew him in breaking of bread. And aboute the hyll of Tiberien is the citie where our Lord fed v thousand people with five Barly loves and two fishes, and in that same citie did men cast in anger a fierbrand or burning stick after our Lord, but the same burning sticke did fall on the earth, and incontinent grew out of the same sticke a tree, and is waxen a bigge tree, and groweth yet, and the scales of the tree be all blacke. And ye shall understand that flom Jordan beginneth under the hill of Libany, & there beginneth the lande of promission, and it lasteth under Barsabe1 of length, & from the North part to the South, it holdeth ix score myle and of breadth from Jerico to Jaffe it is XL mile, and ye shall understande that the lande of promission beginneth at the Kingdome of Surry and lasteth unto the wildernesse of Araby.

1: Beersheba.


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