Of the sea of Galyle. AND from thence men go to a citie that men call Tyberyen,1 that sitteth2 on the sea of Galyle, it is no sea ne arme of the sea, for it is but a staumble3 of fresh water, and it is no more than an hundred furlongs long and XL brode, and therein is many good fyshes. And by that same sea, standeth many good cities, and therefore thys sea chaungeth often his name after the cities that stande thereupon, but it is all one water or sea and upon this sea, our Lorde went dry fote and there sayde he to Peter when he came on the water, & was nere drowned, Modice fidei quare dubitasti? That is to saye, Thou of lyttle fayth, why hadst thou doubte.