The way of Nazareth to the mount or hyll of Tabor. AND from Nazareth to the mounte Tabor is thre1 myle, and there our Lord transfygured hym before sainct Peter, sainct Jhon & sainct James. And there they saw ghostly2 our Lorde and Moyses and Helye the prophetes. And therefore Sainct Peter sayde, Bonum est nos hic esse, faciamus tria tabernacula, That is to say, It is good to us to be here, make we three tabernacles. And our lord Jesu Chryste bad them that they should say it to no man, unto the time that he was rysen from death to lyfe. And uppon the same hyll shall foure aungels sowne3 theyr trompets, and rayse all men that are dead to lyfe, and then shall they come in bodie and Soule to the Judgement, but the Judgement shall be in the Vale of Josaphat on Easterday, at the same tyme as our Lorde rose from death to lyfe. And also a myle from mounte Tabor is mount Hermon, and ther was the citie of Namy,4 before the gates of the Citie our Lord raysed the wydowes sone, that had no more Chyldren.