Of the Samaritanes. FROM Sebasten to Hierusalem is xii myle and betwene the hylles of this countrey is a well, that men call fons Jacob, That is to say Jacobs well, that chaungeth foure times in the yeare his coloure, for sometyme it is redde, sometymes cleare, sometime grene and sometyme thycke, and men that dwell there are called Samarytanes, & they were converted through the Apostles and theyr law varieth from Christen law and Sarasins lawe and also from Jewes & Paynims. They beleve well in one God that all shall deme,1 and beleve the Byble after the lettre, and they lappe theyr heads in redde linnen cloth, for difference of other, for Sarasins wrap theyr heads in white cloth & christen men that dwell there in blew cloth, and Jewes in yelow, and in this country dwell many Jewes paying tribute as Christen men doth.