
Of the countrey of Job, and of the Kingedome of Caldee.

ON the other side of the citie of Carnaa men enter into the land of Job, that is a good lande & great plentie of all fruites & men call that land of Swere.1 In this lande is the citie of Thomar. Job was a Paynim & also he was Cofraas son & he helde that lande as prince thereof, & he was so riche that he knew not the hondreth parte of his good, and after his povertie God made him richer than ever he was before, for after he was Kinge of Idumea after the death of King Esau, & when he was king he was called Joab, and in that kingedome he lived c yeare and lxx so that he was of age when he dyed cc yeare and xlviii. And in this lande of Job is no defaute2 of nothing that is nedefull to mans body. There are hilles where men finde manna, and manna is called Aungell's bread that is a whit thing right sweete & much sweter than suger or hony, and that commeth of the dew of heaven that falleth on the herbes, and there it congeled and waxeth white and men doe it in medecines for riche men.

This lande marcheth to the lande of Caldee that is a great land, & there is full faire folke & well apparaited & they go richly araied with cloth of gold & with perls & other precious stones. But the women are righte foule & evill clad & go bare fote & bare an ill cote, large, wide, & short, unto theyr knees, & haue long sleves down to the fote, & they haue great black here long hanging about theyr shoulders & they are right foule for to loke upon that I dare not tell it all bicause that I am worthy for to haue a great reward for my praising of them. In this land of Caldee aforesayde is a citie that men call Hur & in yt citie was Abraham ye patriark born.

1: Susiana.

2: Want of anything.


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