Of the countrey of Job, and of the Kingedome of Caldee. ON the other side of the citie of Carnaa men enter into the land of Job, that is a good lande & great plentie of all fruites & men call that land of Swere. This lande marcheth to the lande of Caldee that is a great land, & there is full faire folke & well apparaited & they go richly araied with cloth of gold & with perls & other precious stones. But the women are righte foule & evill clad & go bare fote & bare an ill cote, large, wide, & short, unto theyr knees, & haue long sleves down to the fote, & they haue great black here long hanging about theyr shoulders & they are right foule for to loke upon that I dare not tell it all bicause that I am worthy for to haue a great reward for my praising of them. In this land of Caldee aforesayde is a citie that men call Hur & in yt citie was Abraham ye patriark born.