
How a man may go furdest and longest in those countreys as heare are rehersed.

NOWE have I tolde you of wayes by the whiche men goe furthest and longeste, as by Babylon and mount Synay, and other places many, through the which landes men turne againe to the lande of promission. Now will I tell you the way of Hierusalem, for some men will not passe it, some for they have no company1 and many other causes resonable and therefore I shall tell you shortely how a man may go with lyttle coste and short tyme.

A man that commeth from the lande of the Weast, he goeth through Fraunce, Burgoyn,2 Lumberdy & to Venys or to Geen3 or some other haven of those marches, and take there a ship and go to the yle Gryffe,4 and so arryveth he in Grece, or else at port Myrock,5 or Valon or Duras or some other haven of those marches, and to go lande for to reste hym, and goeth againe to the sea and arryveth at Cypres and commeth not in the yle of Rodes and arriveth at Famagost that is the Chiefe haven of Cypres or else at Lamaton, And then enter shyppe againe, and passe besyde the haven of Tyre and come not to lande, and so passeth by all the havens of the coste, untill he come to Jaffe, that is the next hauen to Hierusalem, for it is xxviii6 myle betwene. And from Jaffe men go to the Citie of Ramos7 & that is but little thence, & it is a fayre citie & beside Ramos is a fayre churche of our lady, where our lord shewed hym unto hir in three shadowes, that betokeneth the trinitie, and there nere is a church of Sainct George where his head was smitten of, and then to the Castell of Emaux, and then to the mount Joye & from thence pilgrimes see Hierusalem, and then to mount Modyn & then go to Hierusalem. At mount Modyn lyeth the prophet Machabe,8 and over Ramatha9 is the towne of Donke, whereof Amos the prophet was.

1: i.e., it was unsafe to go alone.

2: Burgundy.

3: Genoa.

4: In some editions Gryffh, Grif, or Gresse, probably Crete.

5: In other editions Moroche or Myroche.

6: Others say 27.

7: Rames, Ramla.

8: Maccabeus.

9: Ramah Gibeon.


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