Of women which make great sorow as theyr children are borne & great joy when they are dead. AN other yle there is, where women make great sorow when theyr children be borne & when they are dead they make great joy and caste them in a great fier and burne them, and they that loue well theyr husbands, when they are dead they cast them in a fyer to burn them, for they say that fyer shall make them clean of all filth & vices & they shall be cleane in another world, and the cause why they wepe when their children are borne, and yt they joye at their death, they say a child when he is borne cometh into this world to haue travaile, sorow & heavinesse, & when they are dead they go to Paradise where rivers are of mylke and honey, & there is lyfe & joy and plenty of goods without travaile or sorow. In thys yle they make their kings by chosing, & they chose him not for his riches and noblenesse, but him that is of good conditions and most righteous and trew that judgeth euery man truely, little & much after |