
How Sampson slew the King and his enimies.

ALSO from Acon beforesaid, men go three1 journeys to the citie of Philisten, that now is called Gaza, that is to say the rich citie & it is right fayre and full of folke and it is a little uppon the sea, and from that citie broughte the strong Sampson the gates of the Citie uppon a highe hill, where he was taken in the Citie, and there he slewe the King in his palace, and many thousande more with him, for he made an house to fall on them. And from thence shal men go to the citie of Cesaryen,2 and so to the castell of Pylleryns3 and then to Askalon, and so forth to Japhat4 and so unto the holy citie of Hierusalem.

1: Pynson and others say four.

2: CÆsarea.

3: Pilgrims.

4: Jaffa.


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