Of the land of the land of Turky & divers other countreys and of the land of Mesopotamy. THEN next is the land of Turky, that marcheth to Great Armony and therein are many countreys as Capadoce, Saure,1 Bryke, Quecion, Patan & Genethe, in eche one of the countreys are many good cities, and it is a plaine land, & few hills and few rivers, and then is the kingdome of Mesopotamy that beginneth eastwarde at flom of Tygre2 at a citie that men call Mosell,3 and it lasteth westwarde to the flom of Euphraten, to a citie that men call Rochaym4 & westwarde from high Armony unto the wildernesse of Inde the lesse, and it is a good land and playne, but there is few rivers, and there is but two hils in that lande, the one is called Simar, and the other Lison, & it marcheth unto the lande of Caldee, and ye shall understande that the land of Ethyope marcheth eastward to the great wildernesse westwarde to the land of Nuby,5 southwarde to the lande of Maratan6 and northward to the redde sea & then is the Maritan that lasteth from the hilles of Ethiope unto Liby,7 the high, and the low that lasteth to the great sea of Spayne.8