
Of the lande of Armony, which is a good land & of the lande of Middy.1

THEN is the lande of Armony, in the which was sometime three kingdomes, this is a good land and a plentious, & it beginneth at Percy, & lasteth westward to Turkey of length, and in breadth lasteth from the citie of Alexander (that is now called Port de fear) unto the lande of Myddy. In this Armony are many fayre cities, but Cauryssy2 is most of name. Then is the land of Myddy, and it is full long and not brode & beginneth eastward at the land of Percy, & Inde the lesse, and lasteth westward to the kingdome of Calde,3 & northward to little Armony. In this Myddy are many great hyls, & little (of) plaines & ther dwel Sarasins & other maner of men, that men call Cordines.4

1: Media.

2: Other editions have it Taurizo—in all probability the modern Tabriz is meant.

3: ChaldÆa.

4: Kurds.


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