
Of other wayes comming from Cathay toward the Grekes sea & also of the emperour of Percy.

NOW I haue devysed you the landes towardes the North, to come from the lands of Cathay to the lands of Pruse & Rossy where Christen men dwel. Now shall I devise unto you other lands & kingdoms, in comming down from Cathay to the Grekes sea wher Christen men dwell, and for as muche as next the great Caane of Cathay the Emperour of Percy is the greatest lorde, therefore I shall speake of him, & ye shall understande that he hath two kingdomes, the one beginneth eastward and it is the kingdome of Turkescon & it lasteth westward to the sea of Caspy & southward to the lande of Inde. This lande is good & playne and well manned,1 with good cities but two most principal, ye which are called Bacirida & Sormagaunt.2 The other is the kingedome of Percy, and lasteth from the river of Phison3 unto great Armony,4 & northward unto the sea of Caspy & southward to the land of Inde & this is a full plenteous countrey and good. In this lande are three principall cities Nessabor, Saphan, & Sermesse.5

1: Peopled.

2: Bokhara and Samarcand.

3: Pison.

4: Armenia

5: Otherwise spelt Messabor, Caphon, and Sarmassane.


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