CHAP. | | PAGE | I | Mr. Belloc and the Public | 1 | II | Mr. Belloc the Man | 9 | III | Personality in Style | 16 | IV | The Poet | 27 | V | The Student of Military Affairs | 35 | VI | Mr. Belloc and the War | 50 | VII | Mr. Belloc the Publicist | 59 | VIII | Mr. Belloc and Europe | 71 | IX | The Historical Writer | 89 | X | Mr. Belloc and England | 99 | XI | The Reformer | 110 | XII | The Humourist | 116 | XIII | The Traveller | 126 | XIV | Mr. Belloc and the Future | 138 |
We have to express our thanks to the following publishers for permission to quote from those books by Mr. Belloc which are issued by them:—Messrs. Constable & Co., Ltd., The Old Road and On Anything; Messrs. J.M. Dent & Sons, Ltd., The Historic Thames; Messrs. Duckworth & Co., Esto Perpetua, Avril, Verses, and The Bad Child's Book of Beasts; Mr. T. N. Foulis, The Servile State; Mr. Eveleigh Nash, The Eyewitness and Cautionary Tales for Children; Messrs. Thomas Nelson & Sons, Danton, The Path to Rome, The Four Men, and A General Sketch of the European War; Messrs. C. Arthur Pearson, Ltd., The Two Maps of Europe; Messrs. Williams & Norgate, Ltd., The French Revolution. The frontispiece is reproduced from T.P.'s Weekly by courtesy of the editor, Mr. Holbrook Jackson.