
12mo. Illustrated, Beautiful cloth binding, stamped in gold with cover inlay and jacket in colors.

Price $1.50 Net.

Line drawing of Rosemary Book Cover

This lively story of charming little girls awakens the fancy and stimulates the ambition of all little readers to be approved of their associates, and to win the admiration of their worthiest friends. The inspiration to do one's best in both work and play, with due regard for the comfort and welfare of others, is one of the fine merits of this story.


Rosemary Willis is twelve years old, the eldest of three sisters. She is charming, quick and radiant, with a snappy temper. As she is the responsible one, she has many hard struggles to do the right thing in the right way. Sarah is two years younger. She is the peculiar one, with her love for all kinds of animals about the farm, and her unsocial, stubborn disposition. Her unruly ideas lead her into numerous troubles before she changes her mind. Shirley is the baby and pet of six years. As she gets her own way so often, she is badly spoiled and receives many hard knocks before she begins to appreciate the comfort and interest of others. Dr. Hugh is their big brother, who has the care of them in the absence of their parents, and he ranges in their estimation all the way from terrible tyrant to wonderful, necessary brother. There are others who help complicate as well as untangle troubles, and fill up the experience of the story with interesting glimpses of life.

Send for Our Free Illustrated Catalogue.


Transcriber's Note: Some spelling variations have been standardised to agree with the original French version of "En Famille". For example "Madamoiselle" and "Mademoiselle" have been changed to Mademoiselle exclusively. Dr Cendrier, rather than Centrier, is correct according to the original French version, so Centrier has been changed to Cendrier.
In the fourth last paragraph "daughter" has been corrected to "granddaughter".
Some spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors have been corrected where detected.


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