
The following Index includes a Glossary of words now obsolete, or used with new meanings. Those proper names which in the text are spelt in more than one way, or have different epithets, are repeated in each of such forms, but without cross references. These have not been thought necessary, as their absence can hardly lead to mistake as to the identity of the names.

Abbey of La Beale Adventure, 77.
Abblasoure, place of, 359.
Abel, 395, 396.
Abelleus, 71.
Ablamor of the Marsh, 68.
Accolon of Gaul, Sir, 57;
hunts with Arthur, 79;
finds himself by a deep well, 80;
gets Excalibur and nearly kills Arthur, 82;
dies, 84;
Adam, 395.
Adder stings and produces a war, 478.
Adtherp, Sir, 186, 187.
Affrike, 100.
Africa, 108.
Agente, earldom of, 469.
Aglavale, Sir, 259.
Aglovale, Sir, 152, 281, 333, 362, 448;
is slain, 459.
Agravaine, Sir, 42, 56, 139, 150, 152;
marries, 160;
is open mouthed, 412;
accuses Sir Launcelot and Guenever, 451;
tries to capture Sir Launcelot and is slain, 454.
Aguarus, 373.
Agwisance of Ireland, king, 35, 36, 152, 154.
Alakuke, lord, 104.
Albans, St., 28.
Alexander, 108.
Alexandria, 108.
Alice La Beale Pilgrim, 273.
Aliduke, Sir, 118, 413, 421.
Aligement, alleviation, 390.
Alis le Beale Pilgrim, dame, 455.
Alisander le Orphelin, 268, 270, 273, 422, 448.
Alisander the mighty conqueror, 467.
Alisandrie, country of, 100.
Allardin of the Isles, 67.
Allegiance, alleviation, 43.
Allein, 246.
Allhallowmas, 29, 33.
Almain, 100, 106, 107.
Almerie, cupboard, 411.
Almesbury, 481, 484. See Introduction, p. xviii.
Alphegus, Sir, 446.
Alther, of us all, 84.
Amant, 245, 251.
Ambage, country of, 100.
Ambler, 263.
And, if, 142.
Andred, Sir, 188, 190, 213, 264, 449.
Andret, Sir, 174.
Andrew, Sir, 232.
Anglides (prince Boudwin’s wife), 267.
Anguish of Ireland, king, 164, 168, 171, 177, 179, 181, 184, 419, 434.
Anguish of Scotland, king, 99.
Anguissance of Ireland, king, 448.
Aniause, king, 382, 383, 387.
Anjou, duke of, 469.
Annecians, 40.
Annowre (a sorceress), 209.
Ansirus, duke (the pilgrim), 273.
Antemes, 41.
Anwick, 486.
Arabe, mount of, 103.
Arabie, 100.
Arbray, castle of, 283.
Archade, 277.
Archbishop of Canterbury, 28, 30.
Aretted, reckoned, 1.
Arguis, Sir, 264.
Argustus, 377.
Aries (the cowherd), 65.
Aries le Vaysher, 248.
Aristance, Sir, 282.
Aristause, earl, 448.
Arminak, earl of, 469.
Arnold de Breusse, 139, 149.
Arnold, Sir, 152.
Arrage, country of, 100.
Arrok de Grevant, Sir, 449.
Arrouse, earl, 277.
Arroy, country and forest of, 89.
Arthur is born, 27;
pulls the sword out of the stone, 29;
made king, 30;
fights, 32;
35, 36, 39;
falls in love, 41;
first sees Guenever, 41;
dreams a dream, 42;
wants the quest, 43;
is made known to Igraine, 44;
fights, 46;
gets a sword, 47;
fights Nero, 56;
is sick, 57;
loves Guenever, 64;
marries, 66;
is warned by Merlin to keep his sword and scabbard, 75;
fights with five kings, 77;
rides his horse to death, 79;
finds himself in prison, 79;
fights Sir Accolon, and is nearly killed, 81;
goes to an abbey and recovers, 84;
follows his sister for the scabbard, 86;
Roman Emperor sends to him for tribute, 98;
his splendour, 100;
ordains two governors to act while he goes to war with the Emperor of Rome, 101;
dreams of an encounter between a boar and a dragon, ib.;
giant crushes his ribs, 103;
embraces his knights after battle, 105;
crowned at Rome by the Pope, 110;
holds a tournament at Avilion, 152;
justs with Sir Lamorak, 208;
cuts off the head of the Lady, 210;
fights, 226;
fights Sir Tristram, 238;
cries a just, 286;
is at Lonazep, 303;
justs with Sir Dinadan, 305;
visits Sir Tristram, 315;
Sir Launcelot returns to him, 344;
sees marvels, 350;
glad to see the remnant of his knights, 411;
holds a tourney at Winchester, 420;
justs, 434;
hears the charge against Guenever, 452;
faints, 459;
lays siege to Joyous Gard, 461;
goes to war with Sir Launcelot, 470;
his life is war and strife, 475;
returns to Dover and fights, 476;
has a dream, 477;
kills Sir Mordred, 479;
received by three queens in a barge, 480.
Arundel, castle of, 268.
Asia, 100.
Assoil, absolve, 365.
Assotted, besotted, doting, 75, 274.
Astamore, Sir, 448, 452.
Astlabor, king, 318, 320.
Astolat (town of Gilford), 419.
Astomore, Sir, 413.
Astonied, stunned, 117, 123.
Attaint, fatigued, exhausted, 384.
Avail, lower, 110.
Avaunt, boast, 447.
Avelion, Avelon, the Isle of Apples, on which Glastonbury stood, 49.
Aventer, couch spear, 62.
Avilion, Isle of, 151, 152;
vale of, 480.
Avoid quit leave, 103.
Awk, backward, 182.
Babylon, 410.
Bachelors, knights, 37.
Bagdemagus, king, 78, 114, 116, 128, 152, 169, 275;
nearly killed, 355;
Balan, 42, 53, 57;
is slain, 62.
Balin le Savage, 42, 41.
Bors de Ganis, Sir, 89, 103, 105, 139, 152, 154, 218, 230, 328;
sees a dragon, 330;
joins in the quest, 383;
has his adventures chronicled, 411;
finds Sir Launcelot ill, 427;
is crowned, 469;
Bors of Gaul, king, 32, 38, 41.
Boudwin, Sir, 267.
Brabant, 107.
Brachet, a small scenting dog, 66, 70, 79, 123, 165, 215.
Bragwaine, dame, 181, 185, 191, 205, 215, 220, 225, 230.
Braid, hastiness, 472.
Brain-pan, 167, 184.
Brandegore, king, 343.
Brandegoris of Stranggore, king, 35, 56.
Brandel, Sir, 118.
Brandiles, Sir, 152, 205, 209, 248, 250, 256, 413, 421, 431, 438, 448;
is slain, 360.
Cradelmas, king, 35, 37.
Cradelment of North Wales, king, 37.
Croft, vault, 406.
Crosselme, Sir, 448.
Curselaine, Sir, 452.
Cyprus, 100.
Daffish, foolish, 236.
Dagonet, Sir (Arthur’s fool), 199, 212, 249, 256.
Dalan, 261.
Damas, Sir, 79, 81, 459.
Damaske, country of, 100.
Damiete, 100.
Daname, Sir, 230.
Darras, Sir, 229, 230, 449.
David, 395.
Debate, strife, 459.
Debonair, courteous, 394.
Defoil, trample under foot, overcome, 200.
Degrane, Sance Vilany, Sir, 449.
Delectable Isle, 297.
Deliverly, actively, 473.
Denmark, king of, 76, 357.
Depart, part, 483.
De Vance, lady, 55.
Devise, look carefully at, 402.
Devoir, knightly duty, 149, 469.
Diamond, justed for daily, 432.
Dight, dressed, 79.
Dinadan, Sir, 129, 152, 216, 227, 246, 253, 257, 261, 276, 280;
forced into woman’s garment, 282;
best jester, 290;
Dinant, Sir, 214.
Dinas, Sir, 153, 167, 91, 94.
Eufrates, flood of, 393.
Euphrates, river of, 100.
Europe, 100.
Eustace of Cambenet, duke, 36.
Evangelists, 26, 74, 399.
Eve, 395.
Evelake, king, 356, 357, 367, 375.
Ewaine le Blanchemains, Sir, 27, 57.
Excalibur (Cut-steel), 32, 51, 57;
sent to Sir Accolon, 80;
is thrown into the water, 479.
ginternal">405, 413, 434, 448;
asks Arthur not to be hasty in burning Guenever, 457;
loses his brothers, 460;
will not forgive Sir Launcelot, 467;
fights, 473;
writes to Sir Launcelot, and dies, 476.
Gawdelin, Sir, 334.
Genoese warriors, 100.
Gerfalcon, the finest kind of hawk, 96.
Gerin, Sir, 280.
Gerine le Grose, 272.
Germany, 106.
Gest, deed, story, 123.
Gherard, Sir, 109.
Gherard de Breusse, 139, 149.
Ghost, Holy, 352, 364, 381, 395.
Giant of St. Michael’s Mount; sits at supper gnawing a man’s limbs, twelve children are being broached on spits, 102;
is killed by Arthur, 103.
Gilbert, Sir, 124, 125.
Gilford, 419.
Gillemere, Sir, 448;
is slain, 459.
Gilmere, Sir, 122.
Gingalin, Sir, 211, 448, 452.
Gisarm, two-edged battle-axe, 96.
Glaive, a long blade at the end of a lance, a sword, 70.
Glasting, 287. See Questing.
Glastonbury, 475, 481, 484. See Introduction, p. xviii.
Glatisant (the questing beast), 207, 250, 256, 286, 299;
is followed by Sir Palamides, 348.
Gobbets, lumps, 148.
God, 326.
Godard, garrison of, 108.
Godelake, Sir, 152.
Goneries, Sir, 275.
Goodewin, Sir, 334.
Goothe, castle of, 366.
Gore, land of, 205, 211.
Kent, 477, 478.
King, 30, 233.
Kink-Kenadon, castle of, 128, 159.
Knave, 108.
Knight (how made), 65;
errant, 84;
89, 94, 147, 206, 233, 280.
La Beale Isoud, 168, 170, 179, 184, 186, 190, 192, 205, 211, 215, 225, 232, 236, 251, 253, 262, 266, 268;
loses Sir Tristram, 283;
leaves her husband, 285;
jokes Sir Dinadan, 290;
calls Sir Palamides a felon, 314;
La Beale Regard, castle of, 272.
La Cote Male Taile, 129, 152, 154;
the evil-shapen coat, 197;
marries, 205;
Labor, king, 393.
Ladinas, 34.
Ladinas de la Rouse, 40.
Ladinas of the Forest Savage, Sir, 438.
Ladyday, 269.
Lake, king of the, 78.
Lake, lady of the, 47, 51;
buried, 52;
103, 111, 115, 118, 152, 230, 333, 343;
said to be dead, 385;
rides over Sir Bors, 388;
cloud separates, 390;
is crowned, 469;
is slain, 484.
Liones, 139, 141, 145, 147, 150, 152;
marries Sir Gareth, 160.
country of, 162;
castle of, 283.
Liones, sometimes said to be a supposed tract of country called Lionesse, between the Land’s End and the Scilly Isles, now submerged. But more probably St. Pol de Leon in Brittany is meant.
Lionors, 41.
Lionses, 33, 38.
Lionses of Payarne, 41.
Lisais, 375.
Listinoise, country of, 286;
king of, 302.
Little Britain, king of, 99;
realm of, 100.
Logris, realm of, 194, 213, 231, 285, 297, 341, 392, 393, 405, 408.
Loegria, Saxon Britain.
warriors of, 100;
lords of, 108.
Lonazep, castle of, 286, 293, 301.
London, 28, 30, 33, 49, 64, 413;
Arthur returns to, 424;
tower of, besieged, 475, 477.< @46853@46853-h@46853-h-25.htm.html#Page_371" class="pginternal">371, 401.
Mountenance, 46853-h-13.htm.html#Page_155" class="pginternal">155.
Perigot (peregrine), a kind of falcon, 125.
Perigot, earl of, 469.
Perimones, Sir (the red knight), 138, 148, 153, 160, 449;
is slain, 459.
Perin de la Montaine, 273.
Perin de Mountbeliard, 58.
Peris de Forest Savage, Sir, 119.
Peron, tombstone, 239.
Persant of Inde, Sir, 137, 139, 140, 148, 151, 153, 160, 413, 438, 449.
Persides de Bloise, Sir, 221, 226, 228;
bound to a stone, 335.
Pertilope, Sir, 449, 459.
Pertolepe, Sir (the green knight), 138, 148, 160.
Peschour, king, 363.
Petchere, lord, 351.
Petersaint, land of, 110.
Petipase of Winchelsea, Sir, 70, 152, 448.
Phariance, Sir, 33, 38, 41.
Phelot, Sir, 125.
Pight, pitched, 25.
Pike, take away, 237, 468.
Piller, plunderer, 479.
Pillounes, 204.
Pinel, 36.
Pinel le Savage, Sir, tries to poison Sir Gawaine, 413;
flies, 418.
Placidas, Sir, 34.
Plaine de Amoure, Sir, 203.
Plaine de Force, Sir, 203, 449.
Plains, earl of, 388.
Pleasance, land of, 110.
Plenorius, Sir, 203, 205, 65, 78, 137.
Simeon, 406.
Sith, since, 361.
Sithen, since, 118.
Slade, 132.
Slake, ditch, ravine, 114.
Soil, To go to, hunting term for taking to the water, 433.
Soleise, king of, 76.
Solomon, 395, 397.
Sondes, sendings, messages, 475.
Sorceress, 447.
Sorhaute, 42.
Sorlouse of the Forest, 67.
Soul, how it left the body, 280.
Southfolk, 477.
South Marches, duke of, 95.
Southsex, 268, 477.
Sowdan of Surrey, 106.
Spain, 446.
Spaniards, 100.
Spere, ask, 362.
Spolute, 110.
Stalk, a hunting term, 433.
Stole, part of a priest’s dress, worn round the neck, 373.
Stonied, stunned, 132.
Stour, battle, 383, 463.
Straight Marches, king of the, 307.
Straked, blew a horn, 215.
Sue, follow, 361.
Suffragan, 347.
Supper, 79.
Suppinabiles, Sir, 191, 449.
Suppings, 215.
Surgeons, 106, 167.
Surlat, earldom of, 469.
Surluse, country of, 203, 234, 274, 280, 286, 293, 302.
Surrey, 477.
Surrie, country of, 100.
Sword, 28, 29;
in the red stone, 349;
Turks, 487.
Turnance, Isle of, 394.
Turquine, Sir, 112;
is killed by Sir Launcelot, 118;
Tursauk, earl of, 469.
Tuscany, warriors of, 100;
country of, 107;

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