[This is a list of books bearing directly upon Boswell which have been used for this volume.] | Birrell, A., Introduction to his edition of Boswell's Life of Johnson | London, 1906 | Boswell, James: | | Elegy on the Death of an Amiable Young Lady | 1761 | Ode to Tragedy | 1761 | Collection of Original Poems, contributions to | 1762 | The Cub at Newmarket | 1762 | Critical Strictures on Mallet's Elvira, by A. Erskine and J. Boswell | 1763 | Correspondence with the Hon. Andrew Erskine | 1763 | Dorando, a Spanish Tale | 1767 | Essence of the Douglas Cause | 1767 | Account of Corsica, &c., 2nd edition | 1768 | (1st edition was published 1768) | | British Essays in favour of the Brave Corsicans | 1769 | The Hypochondriack in the London Magazine, Oct. 1777 | to Dec. 1779 | Letter to the People of Scotland on the Present State of the Nation | 1783 | Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides. Ed. G. Birkbeck Hill | 1887 | (1st edition 1785) | | Letter to the People of Scotland against the attempt to diminish the number of the Lords of Session | 1785 | No Abolition of Slavery, or the Universal Empire of Love | 1791 | Life of Johnson. Ed. Right Hon. John Wilson Croker | 1866 | Life of Samuel Johnson. Ed. G. Birkbeck Hill. 6 vols. | Oxford, 18871 | (1st edition 1791) | | Letters to Temple, reprint | London, 19081 | —— Life of, see Rogers, Fitzgerald, and Leask. | | Boswelliana, the Commonplace Book of James Boswell, | London, Grampian Club, 1876 | Burke, Edmund, Correspondence | London, 1824 | Burney, Miss, see D'Arblay. | | Campbell, Rev. Dr. Thomas, Diary | London, 1854 | Carlyle, Miscellanies | London, 1872 | Chatham, Earl of, Correspondence. 4 vols. | London, 1838 | Collection of Original Poems | Edinburgh, 1763 | Croker, Right Hon. John Wilson, Correspondence and Diaries. 3 vols. | London, 1884 | D'Arblay, Diary of Madame. Ed. Austin Dobson. 6 vols. | London, 1904 | —— Memoirs of Dr. Burney. 3 vols. | London, 1832 | Edinburgh, Traditions of | 1869 | Eldon, Lord Chancellor, Life of, by Horace Twiss. 3 vols. | London, 1844 | Fitzgerald, Percy, Life of Boswell | London, 1891 | Forbes, Sir William, Life of James Beattie | London, 1806 | Gentleman's Magazine | | Goldsmith, Life by James Prior. 2 vols. | London, 1837 | Gray, Life by Mason. 2 vols. | London, 1807 | Hawkins, Sir John, Life of Johnson | London, 1787 | —— LÆtitia Matilda, Memoirs. 2 vols. | London, 1824 | Henley, W. E., Views and Reviews | London, 1902 | Hill, Dr. George Birkbeck, Life of Johnson. 6 vols. | Oxford, 1887 | —— Dr. Johnson, his Friends and Critics | London, 1878 | See also Johnson Club Papers. | | Holcroft, Thomas, Memoirs. 3 vols. | London, 1816 | Hume, David, Correspondence | London, 1846 | Ireland, S. W. H., The Confessions of W. H. Ireland | London, 1805 | Johnson, Dr. Samuel, Dictionary | London, 1755 | —— Lives of the Poets | London, 1781 | —— Journey to the Western Islands | London, 1775 | Johnson, Lionel, Post Liminium, Critical Essays | London, 1911 | Johnson Club Papers, by various hands | London, 1899 | Leask, W. K., James Boswell, Famous Scots Series. | Edinburgh, 1896 | London Magazine | | Macaulay, Critical and Historical Essays. 3 vols. | London, 1843 | Malone, Life of, Prior | London, 1860 | More, Hannah, Memoirs of. 4 vols. | London, 1834 | Nichols, John, Literary Anecdotes of the XVIIIth Century. 9 vols. | London, 1812-15 | —— Literary History of the XVIIIth Century. 8 vols. | London, 1817-58 | Piozzi, Mrs., Autobiography. 2 vols. | London, 1861 | —— Johnson's Letters to. 2 vols. | London, 1788 | —— Anecdotes of the late Samuel Johnson, 2nd edition | London, 1789 | Raleigh, Sir Walter, Six Essays on Johnson | Oxford, 1910 | Reynolds, Sir Joshua, Life by Leslie and Taylor. 2 vols. | London, 1865 | Rogers, Rev. Charles, Memoir of Boswell, in Boswelliana | | Taylor, John, Records of My Life | London, 1832 | Trevelyan, Sir G. O., Life of Fox | London, 1912 | Walpole, Horace, Letters. 9 vols. | London, 1861 |