IN writing the Biography of HENRY CLAY, we are conscious of entering a field several times explored, by individuals of great ability, who have spread before a delighted public the rich rewards of their researches. But its great amplitude—the loftiness of its hills—the breadth of its valleys—and the vastness of its enclosures, induce the belief, that the office of another explorer would not be altogether that of a gleaner; on the contrary, that the proper performance of its duties would result in the discovery of new beauties, and in the acquisition of new treasure. Under the influence of this belief, the resolution was taken and preliminaries settled of our undertaking, and ourself brought to its borders, indulging in visions of anticipated pleasure, not unlike those which an enthusiastic botanist experiences, who, with feranthos across his shoulders, and analyzing apparatus in his satchel, is about to enter the fair field of nature, to cull and examine the loveliest specimens of her skill. Personal gratification, however, was not the only nor chief motive prompting us to the undertaking. We desired to procure a larger and better collection than had ever been made of the mental gems of him who had moved in patriotic majesty over it, and adorned its enclosures of intellectual verdure with the brilliants of pure and lofty action; to gather and collocate these, we were strongly urged by the consideration that we should thus contribute, in some degree, to carry into execution that which formed one of the most interesting features of Mr.Clay’s character—a desire to submit his every public act to the closest public scrutiny—a desire which was never introduced to subserve a certain purpose, but which was coeval with his political existence, and which he ever, under all circumstances, unequivocally avowed. Afurther motive was derived from our own ardent desire to behold a more It is a well-known and prominent truth, that those who are familiar with the beauties and sublimities of the natural world, are distinguished for expansive, liberal, and noble views. An effect parallel to this is distinctly seen in those who are surrounded by the magnificent scenery of the mental and moral world, and whose dwellings are irradiated by their effulgent luminaries. Hence, a sage custom of the ancient Greeks, as related by one of their historians, of causing their youth to be similarly circumstanced—especially those who were being educated with direct reference to the assumption of the duties and responsibilities of public life. In qualifying these appropriately to discharge the former and sustain the latter, their guardians and preceptors deemed it of vital importance to place before them the noblest scenes and subjects. In close connection with the precept ‘know thyself,’ they enjoined that of ‘know the good and great of others.’ To them it was well known, that the contemplation of deeds of mental and moral grandeur was most salutary—that it generated a desire to imitate and surpass them—nay, more; that it limned them upon the walls of the soul, and filled it with the most beautiful intellectual imagery, which would eventually develope itself in action—magnanimous, patriotic, and conservative of the best interests of mankind. To attempt to prove that such deeds thickly adorn the field of Mr.Clay’s history would be superfluous, since the fact is well established in all civilized countries. So much in relation to the motives for our undertaking. Abrief statement of the manner and circumstances of its performance may not be inappropriate. Our visions of anticipated pleasure, at its commencement, were fully realized during its progress. We had expected to be rewarded by the discovery of intellectual diamonds of the first water, but not in such rich With regard to the Speeches of Mr.Clay, no labor has been spared in seeking for them, and it is believed that few, if any, which have been reported, will be found wanting in our collection. Abrief memoir has been prefixed to each, illustrative of the subject and occasion on which it was delivered, and the fate of the question. In this labor we have been materially assisted by Mr.EDWIN WILLIAMS, the former secretary of the American Institute; a gentleman well known for his accuracy and ability in historical and statistical matters. In giving the result of our investigations, we express our fears that it will be found to contain imperfections, notwithstanding our endeavors to guard against them. It has been exceedingly difficult to speak of Mr.Clay’s eminent acts, without sliding imperceptibly into the path of eulogy. This, perhaps, has led to the error of saying too much sometimes, and too little at others. For defects of this nature, however, the intelligent reader will require no apology. But the deficiency most prominent, and one which we lament most sincerely, is, that of not having done justice to his transcendent talents and abilities as an orator. For this, an excuse must be furnished by our incompetency; the consciousness of which fell upon us, with overwhelming force, as we stood in the presence of his eloquence. We watched its wonderful and spirit-like movements and operations, and turned away from the task of adequate description, as we would have shrank from the fruitless endeavor to take the dimensions of a boundless and unfathomable ocean. Attempts at describing it we have indeed made, but they are abortive—dim shadows of its noble substance, and tenantless abodes of its beauty. Our belief of the utter impossibility to convey an adequate idea of it through the medium of written or verbal statement, has What has been said of Mr.Clay’s eloquence, is, to a great extent, true of his philanthropy and patriotism. No individual was ever less controlled by sectional feeling. The height of benevolence on which he planted himself was so lofty as to enable him, while legislating for his own country, in particular, to have an eye to, and care for, the interests of all other countries. In what manner and to what extent they have been benefitted, by his exalted and humane services, it is believed an ample and authentic source of information will be found in our compilation of them. In the full assurance that these will endure the ordeal of the closest and most philosophic scrutiny to the end of time, we present them to the public, and cannot avoid giving utterance to the desire that they may be speedily subjected to it, and in the same liberal spirit which distinguished their performance. Should such a result be realized, we shall consider the time employed in gathering and arranging them most profitably occupied. |