Lord Thurlow Frontispiece
From a painting by Thomas Phillips, R.A.
By permission of the Trustees of the National Portrait Gallery.
Earl of Rosslyn Page 8
Earl of Mansfield 16
Earl of Eldon 20
By permission of the Trustees of the Scottish National Portrait Gallery.
Lord Kenyon 24
Lord Erskine 32
Lord Westbury 36
Lord Brougham 40
Lord Campbell 44
By permission of the Trustees of the National Portrait Gallery, and Mr. Emery Walker.
Lord Chelmsford 48
Sir Alexander Cockburn 52
By permission of Harry A. Cockburn, Esq.
Lord Brampton (Sir Henry Hawkins) 56
The Hon. Mr. Justice Darling 60
From a photograph by C. Vandyk.
Sir Samuel Martin 64
The Hon. Mr. Justice Grantham 72
From a photograph by Elliott & Fry, Ltd.
John Adolphus 76
Samuel Warren, Q.C. 80
Lord Romilly 88
Serjeant Talfourd 96
Viscount Carleton 112
By permission of the Trustees of the Scottish National Portrait Gallery.
John P. Curran 128
By permission of the Trustees of the Scottish National Portrait Gallery.
Daniel O'Connell 144
By permission of the Trustees of the Scottish National Portrait Gallery.
Lord Newton 156
Lord Eskgrove 160
Lord Kames 164
Lord Eldin 168
Lord Cockburn 176
Lord Braxfield 184
By permission of the Trustees of the Scottish National Portrait Gallery.
Lord Young 192
From a photograph by T. & R. Annan & Sons.
The Hon. Henry Erskine 200
By permission of the Trustees of the Scottish National Portrait Gallery.
Andrew Crosbie 208
By permission of the Faculty of Advocates.
Theophilus Parsons 224
Rufus Choate 232


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