- A
- Agadir, 17
- Alaire, Captain, killed, 52
- Allies, rally of, at Verberie, 79
- —— meeting of, 133
- Alquier, orders received from, 161
- Arneke, 141
- Arras, 141
- AuthÉe, bivouac near, 36
- —— departure from, 36
- Ave, French dragoons billeted at, 34
- —— French squadron ambushed at, 35
- —— French departure from, 35
- B
- Baron, 85, 86
- —— ChÂteau of, pillaged by Germans, 86
- Basteigne, 29, 34
- Bavarians, atrocities of, 76, 77
- Bazeille, burning of, by Germans, 1870, 17
- Beauraing, arrival of French at, 35
- —— departure of French from, 35
- —— ambush at, 35
- Belgium, welcome and hospitality of villages, 27, 28, 29
- —— re-entered by French, 96
- —— departure from, 140
- BiesmÉrÉe, bivouac at, 38
- Billancourt, infantry action near, 87
- Bonneuil-en-Valois, surprise attack by Germans at, 51, 52
- BÜlow, Count von, 60
- C
- Calonne-sur-la-Lys, 96
- Cary, General Langle de, 44, 71
- Cavalry, French, equipment of, 23
- Chapin, Major, 106
- Charleroi, 39
- Chasseurs-À-cheval, charge of, 45
- Chatelin, Lieut., 39, 67, 82, 127, 129
- Chauvenet, Lieut., killed, 35
- Chocques, enemy sighted at, 90
- —— artillery action at, 91
- Clarques, return of French troops to, 112
- ClÈre, Lieut., 18, 123
- CompiÈgne, forest of, 63
- —— ambushed in, 63-5
- —— adventures in, 65-9
- Coxyde, 112
- D
- Dangel, Sergeant-Major, death of, 64
- Desonney, Lieut., 106
- Dinant, siege of, by Germans,