Frontispiece 9
The 22nd Regiment of Dragoons 11
I. —Mobilisation—Farewells—We leave Rheims 13
II. —Across the Border into Belgium—Life on Active Service from Day to Day—After the Germans had Passed through—The Retreat 26
III. —How we Crossed the German Lines—The Charge of Gilocourt—The Escape in the Forest of CompiÈgne 43
IV. —Verberie the Centre of the Rally—The Epic of a Young Girl—Mass in the Open Air—From Day to Day 74
V. —The Two Glorious Days of Staden 97
VI. —The Funeral of Lord Roberts—Nieuport-Ville—In the Trenches—Ypres and the Neighbouring Sectors—I Transfer to the Line 110
VII. —The Attack at Loos 144
Index 165


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