| | PAGE | | Frontispiece | 9 | | The 22nd Regiment of Dragoons | 11 | CHAPTER | | | I. | —Mobilisation—Farewells—We leave Rheims | 13 | II. | —Across the Border into Belgium—Life on Active Service from Day to Day—After the Germans had Passed through—The Retreat | 26 | III. | —How we Crossed the German Lines—The Charge of Gilocourt—The Escape in the Forest of CompiÈgne | 43 | IV. | —Verberie the Centre of the Rally—The Epic of a Young Girl—Mass in the Open Air—From Day to Day | 74 | V. | —The Two Glorious Days of Staden | 97 | VI. | —The Funeral of Lord Roberts—Nieuport-Ville—In the Trenches—Ypres and the Neighbouring Sectors—I Transfer to the Line | 110 | VII. | —The Attack at Loos | 144 | | Index | 165 |