[The names of authors and works which appear in the List of Works and Authors cited (pp. 777-808) are not included in this index.]
l">558 from Winter Counts, 561-563 of Little Bighorn, 563-566 Before, pictographs for, 589 Bella Coola Indians, ceremonial dress of, 431 Bendire, Capt. Charles, petroglyphs reported by, 122 Bengal, account sticks or strings used by natives of, 264 Benton, Owens Valley, Cal., petroglyphs near, 58 Big, pictographs for, 586-587 Big Indian Rock, Pennsylvania, 106-107 Big Road, Oglala chief, 420 Bilqula Indians, tattoo of, 407 Biography, pictographic forms of, 571-582 classification of, 571 continuous record, 571-575 particular events, 575-582 Birchbark pictographs, Abnaki, 201, 213-214, 468-469 Amalecite, 334-336 Blackfeet Indians, figures sketched by, 130 Black Rock spring, near Milford, Utah, petroglyphs at, 117 Blake, Lady Edith, petroglyphs described and sketched by, 137-139 Boas, Franz, work of, XXIII Bone, pictographs on, 206 Book cliff canyon, Utah, petroglyphs in, 117 Borneo, mourning color used in, 630 BorrinqueÑos, ancient inhabitants of Puerto Rico, 137 Brazil, petroglyphs in, 150-157, 689, 691, 692 cup sculptures in, 195-196 tattoo in, 407 Brazilian petroglyphs, compared with Spanish petroglyphs, 690 British Columbia, petroglyphs in, 44-48 British Guiana, dyes used by Indians of, 222 petroglyphs in, 686-687 British islands, cup sculptures in, 189 Brittany, France, petroglyphs in, 176-177 methods of account-keeping in, 264 Broken leg, pictographic representation of, 716-717 Brown, C. Barrington, rock paintings mentioned by, 144 Brown, L. W., petroglyphs reported by, 111, 112 Brown, Mrs. Wallace myths related by, 468 Browns cave, La Crosse valley, Wisconsin, petroglyphs in, 126 Browns valley, Minnesota, petroglyphs in, 90 Browns valley, South Dakota, petroglyphs near, 114 BrulÉ Dakota, tribal designation of, 382 origin of, as pictographically recorded, 567 Burmah, tattooing in, 413 Bushmen, inscriptions by, 180-183 C. Cachoeira do RiberÃo, Brazil, petroglyphs on, 150-151 CaÏcara, Venezuela, sculptured rock near, 148 California, linguistic work in, XIV-XV, 265 Ojibwa name for, 272 tribal names of, 272 mythic records of, 290-293 Battiste Good’s record of, 293-328 topographic representation by, 344-345 tribal designations of, 383 gentile designations of, 389-390 superstition of, regarding tattoo, 395 devices of, for personal names, 442-443, 459-460 god Haokah of, 479-480 thunder birds of, 483-485 pictographs of, connected with thunder-bird myth, 486 shamanism or medicine-making of, 493-495 fetiches of, 501, 503 ceremonial colors of, 512 burial scaffolds of, 518-519 commemoration of dead by, 523 pictographs of, relating to customs, hunting, war, etc., 534-537, 539-540 games of, 547 records of expeditions by, 552-554 records of notable events by, 567-570 records in general by, 576, 578-581 ideographic records by, 585-605 mourning ceremony of, 629 war color of, 631 significant use of color by various tribes of, 633-634 pictographs for gesture signs of, 639-641 conventional devices of, for peace, war, chief, counsel, plenty of food, famine, starvation, horses, horse-stealing, kill and death, shot, 650-661 composite forms in pictographs of, 735-736 painted robes of, 747 distinctive dress, ornaments, and weapons of, 751-753 drawings of, 756 Dakota language, translation made from Teton dialect of, XIX work on, XIX Davenport tablets, the, 764-765 Davidson, William C., vases donated by, XXI Dayaks, tattooing among, 413 Dead mountain, Nevada, petroglyphs at, 95 Deaf, pictographs for, 587 Death valley, California, petroglyphs in, 60-61 Declaration of war pictographically represented, 358-359 Denison, James S., communication from, 105 Dellenbaugh, F. S., drawings by, 51 Departure and return, Algonquian pictographic notice of, 330 Depuch island, Australia, petroglyphs on, 162-163 Desgodins, Pere, Mo-so manuscript copied by, 673-674 Dighton rock, Massachusetts, descriptions of, 86-87, 762-764 Direction, pictographic notices of, 334 Direction indicated by drawing topographic features, 341-347 Direc
@54653-h@54653-h-38.htm.html#page660" class="pginternal">660-661 Instruments by which pictographs are made, 218-222 Irela
h@54653-h-43.htm.html#page746" class="pginternal">746 748 Mongols, magic drums of, 514-517 Montana, pictured rocks in, 90 Mooney, James, work of, XV-XVI, XIX, XXI petroglyphs reported by, 99 pictograph described by, 208 on use of colors by Cherokees, 624, 634 Morgantown, West Virginia, petroglyphs near, 124-125 Mormons, petroglyph near Manti, Utah, as interpreted by, 118 Mortuary practices, 517-527 Mosher, Lieut., petroglyphs reported by, 51 Mosman, Mrs. A. T., clay articles loaned by, XXII Mound canyon, Arizona, petroglyphs in, 51 Mound explorations, work in, X-XI, XXII Much, pictograph for, 596 Muskhogean bibliography, work on, XX Muskoki Indians, numeration marks of, 258 Myths and mythic animals pictured, 468-490 N. NaqÓmqilis (Wakashan) Indians, pictographs by, 213 Najowe valley, California, petroglyphs in, 65-68 NambÉ, New Mexico, petroglyph at, 98 Names, Indian personal, work on, XIX Nasquapees of Labrador, notices of direction, etc. by, 340 birch bark, letter by, 341 Natchez Indians, method of recording appointment by, 257 declaration of war by, 358 ceremonial use of color by, 628 Navajo Indians, work among, XVIII sand paintings of, 210-211 ceremonial use of colors by, 623-624 Nebraska, petroglyphs in, 90-92 Negation, gesture sign for, 644 Nelson, E. W., petroglyphs described by, 60-61 Nevada, petroglyphs in, 92-96 Newark, Ohio, fraudulent inscribed stones from, 760 Newark Track rock, Ohio, 101-102 New Brunswick, work in, XII-XIII New Caledonia, drawings from, 743 Newcombe, Cyrus F., petroglyphs reported by, 72 New Guinea, tattooing of Papuans in, 411-412 scarification in, 417 mourning colors used in, 630 New Hebrides, tattooing in, 418 New Mexico, petroglyphs in, 96-98, 353, 682 New York, petroglyphs in, 98-99 New Zealand, petroglyphs in, 165-167 tattooing in, 409-410 grave effigies in, 525-526 religious and ceremonial use of color in, 627-628
3-h-33.htm.html#page571" class="pginternal">571-575 Russell, I. C., pictographs sketched by, 117 S. Sac Indians, mourning ceremonies of, 518-629 conventional devices of, 658 Sacred rock paintings, 466-467 Salish Indians, work on language of, XXIII tattoo among, 407 funeral customs of, 524 mourning colors of, 630 Samoa, tattooing in, 410-411 Samoyed message of demand, 375 Sand, pictographs on, 210-212 San Antonio springs, New Mexico, petroglyphs at, 97 San Bernardino, California, pictographs reported near, 62 San Diego county, California, petroglyphs in, 63 San Francisco mountain, Arizona, petroglyphs near, 48-49 San Marcos pass, California, petroglyphs near, 64 San Juan river, Colorado, petroglyphs near, 73 petroglyphs on, 74-75 Santa Barbara, California, coloring matter of pictographs in, 221 Santa Lucia Cosumalhuapa, Guatemala, sculptures of, 226 Sapiel Selmo, Passamaquoddy chief, 338 Satsika (Blackfeet) Indians, insignia of Tail Bearer of, 429 societies of, 528-529 Sawyer, Wells M., acknowledgments to, 30 Scandinavian colors for war and peace, 635 Scarification, 416-418 Schoolcraft, Henry R., exaggerated accounts of Ojibwa pictographs by, 202 Scotland, cup sculptures in, 193 Scythian declaration of war, 362 Seeman, Berthold, remarks by, on cup sculptures, 193-194 Serpent, pictographs of, 476-477 emblematic use of, 617 Serrano Indians of California, property marks of, 441 face mark of, 621 Shafer, P. W., pictographs published by, 106-10 Shaman, definition of term, 490-499 Shamanism, 490-500 Shastika Indian women, face decoration of, 220 Shawnees, battle of, with Cherokees, 122 Shells, pictographs on, 209-210 Shinumo canyon, Arizona, petroglyphs in, 51-121 Short, pictographs for, 600 Shoshoni Indians, petroglyphs interpreted by, 128, 129 use of notched sticks by, for recording time, 227 pictographic notice of hunt by, 331 pictographic notice of guidance by, 353-354 tribal designations of, 387-388 biographical record of, 578 gesture signs of, for cold, 606 petroglyphs by, 680-682 Shuswap Indians of British Columbia, notices by, 340 Siberia, use of knotted cords for mnemenic purposes in, 226 petroglyphs in, 186-188
ub1">color stamps used by Piaroas of, 621 petroglyphs in, compared with Ojibwa and Shoshonean types, 688 Voice and speech, pictographically illustrated, 717-719 Victory, pictographic record of, 557-558 Virginia, petroglyphs in, 121-122 tattooed figures on Indians of, 393 W. Wakashan Indians, pictographs by, 215 Walker Lake, Nevada, petroglyphs near, 93 Wall, J. Sutton pictographs described by, 110, 111 pictographs copied by, 111 Wampum used in treaty, 231 forms and uses of, 228-231 significance of colors in, 229, 230 War, pictographic form of declaration of, 358, 359 Warning and guidance, pictographic notices of, 353-357 Washington, petroglyphs in, 122, 123 Washington, Pennsylvania, petroglyph near, 109 Washoe Indians in Nevada, 93 Water, gesture signs for, 642-643 Watterson’s ranch, Owens valley, Cal., petroglyphs at, 59 Weasel girls, myth of, 471-472 Webster, North Carolina, petroglyphs at, 99 Wellsville, Ohio, petroglyphs near, 104 West Indies, petroglyphs in, 136-140 West Virginia, petroglyphs in, 124-126, 475, 676-678 Whipple, Lieut., pictographs reported by, 61-62 Whirlwind, pictographs for, 603-604 White Earth reservation, Minnesota, work at, XIII Ojibwa Mid?' ceremony at, 254 White Horse petroglyphs, England, 172 Whitney, Willard J., petroglyphs reported by, 62 Wichita Indians, practice of tattoo by, 375 Wikhegan, definition of, 35, 330 Wilkesboro, North Carolina, petroglyphs at, 99 Wind River valley, Wyoming, petroglyphs in, 128-129 Winnebago personal names, list obtained, XIX Winnebago Indians, coloring matter used by, 221 pictographic notice by, 334 signs of exploit by, 440 mythic animal of, 482 record of battle by, 558-559 mourning color of, 630 Winslow, E., relation by, concerning Indian records, 250 Winter, pictographs for, 605-606 Winter counts of the Dakota Indians, 266-328 history and explanation of, 266-273 comparison of, 270 pictographs from, 273-328, 380-387, 447-465, |