| Petroglyphs in Inhamun, Brazil | 157 |
124. | Petroglyphs Pedra Lavrada, Brazil | 158 |
125. | Inscribed rock at Bajo de Canota, Argentine Republic | 158 |
126. | Petroglyphs near Araquipa, Peru | 159 |
127. | Petroglyph in Huaytara, Peru | 159 |
128. | Sculptured boulder in Chile | 160 |
129. | Petroglyph in Cajon de los Cipreses, Chile | 160 |
130. | Petroglyph on Finke river, Australia | 162 |
131. | Petroglyph in Depuch island, Australia | 163 |
132. | Petroglyph at Bantry bay, Australia | 164 |
133. | Petroglyph in New Zealand | 166 |
134. | Petroglyphs in Kei islands | 168 |
135. | Petroglyphs in Easter island | 169 |
136. | Tablet from Easter island | 170 |
137-138. | Petroglyph in BohuslÄn, Sweden | 174-175 |
139. | Petroglyph in Épone, France | 176 |
140. | Petroglyphs at Tyout, Algeria | 179 |
141. | Petroglyphs at Moghar, Algeria | 180 |
142. | Petroglyph in LÉribÉ, South Africa | 182 |
143. | Petroglyphs in Basutoland, South Africa | 183 |
144-145. | Petroglyphs in the Canary islands | 183-184 |
145a. | Petroglyph in Yezo, Japan | 185 |
146. | Petroglyphs at Chandeshwar, India | 187 |
147. | Types of cup sculptures | 190 |
148. | Variants of cup sculptures | 191 |
149. | Cup sculptures at Auchnabreach, Scotland | 192 |
150. | Cup sculptures at Ballymenach, Scotland | 193 |
151. | Cup sculptures in Chiriqui | 194 |
152-153. | Cup sculptures in Venezuela | 195 |
154-155. | Cup sculptures in Brazil | 195-196 |
156. | Cup sculptures in India | 197 |
157. | Comanche drawing on shoulder blade | 206 |
158. | Quill pictograph | 208 |
159. | Pictograph on gourd | 208 |
160. | Pictographs on wood, Washington | 214 |
161. | Haida basketry hat | 216 |
162. | Tshimshian blanket | 217 |
163. | Wampum strings | 228 |
164. | Penn wampum belt | 230 |
165. | Song for medicine hunting | 423 |
546. | Four horn calumet | 424 |
547. | Two-Strike as partisan | 424 |
548. | Lean-Wolf as partisan | 425 |
549. | Micmac headdress in pictograph | 425 |
550. | Micmac chieftainess in pictograph | 426 |
551. | Insignia traced on rocks, Nova Scotia | 427 |
552. | Chilkat ceremonial shirt | 428 |
553. | Chilkat ceremonial cloak | 429 |
554. | Chilkat ceremonial blanket | 430 |
555. | Chilkat ceremonial coat | 430 |
556. | Bella Coola Indians | 431 |
557. | Guatemala priest | 431 |
558. | Mark of exploit. Dakota | 433 |
559. | Killed with fist. Dakota | 433 |
560. | Killed an enemy. Dakota | 434 |
561. | Cut throat and scalped. Dakota | 434 |
562. | Cut enemy’s throat. Dakota | 434 |
563. | Third to strike. Dakota | 434 |
564. | Fourth to strike. Dakota | 434 |
565. | Fifth to strike. Dakota | 434 |
566. | Many wounds. Dakota | 434 |
567-568. | Marks of exploits. Hidatsa | 437 |
569. | Successful defense. Hidatsa | 438 |
570. | Two successful defenses. Hidatsa | 438 |
571. | Captured a horse. Hidatsa | 438 |
572. | Exploit marks. Hidatsa | 438 |
573. | Record of exploits | 439 |
574. | Record of exploits | 439 |
575. | Exploit marks as worn | 439 |
576. | Scalp taken | 440 |
577. | Scalp and gun taken | 440 |
578. | Boat paddle. Arikara | 442 |
579. | African property mark | 442 |
580. | Owner’s marks. Slesvick | 442 |
581. | Signature of Running Antelope. Dakota | 445 |
582. | Solinger sword makers’ marks | 445 |
583-613. | Personal names. Objective | 447-453 |
614-621. | Personal names. Metaphoric | 453-454 |
622-634. | Personal names. Animal | 455-458 |
635-637. | Personal names. Vegetable | 601 |
945. | Slow bear | 601 |
946-954. | Tall | 601-602 |
955-956. | Trade | 603 |
957. | Brothers | 603 |
958. | Same tribe | 603 |
959. | Husband and wife | 604 |
960. | Same tribe | 604 |
961. | Same tribe | 604 |
962-966. | Whirlwind | 604-605 |
967-975. | Winter, cold, snow | 605-606 |
976. | Peruvian garrison | 607 |
977. | Comet. Mexican | 613 |
978. | Robbery. Mexican | 613 |
979. | Guatemalan symbols | 614 |
980. | Chibcha symbols | 616 |
981. | Syrian symbols | 616 |
982. | Piaroa color stamps | 621 |
983. | Rock painting. Tule river, California | 638 |
984-998. | Gesture signs in pictographs | 639-641 |
999. | Water symbols | 642 |
1000. | Gesture sign for drink | 642 |
1001. | Water. Egyptian | 642 |
1002. | Gesture for rain | 643 |
1003. | Water signs. Moki | 643 |
1004. | Symbols for child and man | 644 |
1005. | Gestures for birth | 644 |
1006. | Negation | 645 |
1007. | Hand | 645 |
1008. | Signal of discovery | 645 |
1009. | Pictured gestures. Maya | 646 |
1010. | Pictured gestures. Guatemala | 647 |
1011-1019. | Peace | 650-651 |
1020-1022. | War | 651-652 |
1023. | Chief-Boy | 652 |
1024. | War chief. Passamaquoddy | 652 |
1025-1029. | Council | 653-654 |
1030-1037. | Plenty of food | 654-655 |
1038-1043. | Famine | 655-656 |
1044-1046. | Starvation | 724 |
1225. | Cross. Dakota | 725 |
1226. | Cross. Ohio mound | 725 |
1227. | Dragon fly | 725 |
1228. | Crosses. Eskimo | 727 |
1229. | Cross. Tulare valley, California | 727 |
1230. | Crosses. Owens valley, California | 728 |
1231. | Cross. Innuit | 729 |
1232. | Crosses. Moki | 729 |
1233. | Crosses. Maya | 729 |
1234. | Crosses. Nicaragua | 730 |
1235-1236. | Crosses. Guatemala | 730-731 |
1237. | Crosses. Sword-makers’ marks | 732 |
1238. | Cross. Golasecca | 733 |
1239-1251. | Composite forms | 735-736 |
1252. | Wolf-man. Haida | 737 |
1253. | Panther-man. Haida | 737 |
1254. | Moose. Kejimkoojik | 739 |
1255. | Hand. Kejimkoojik | 740 |
1256. | Engravings on bamboo. New Caledonia | 743 |
1257. | Typical character. Guiana | 745 |
1258. | Moki devices | 746 |
1259. | Frames and arrows. Moki | 746 |
1260. | Blossoms. Moki | 746 |
1261. | Moki characters | 748 |
1262. | Mantis. Kejimkoojik | 749 |
1263. | Animal forms. Sonora | 749 |
1264-1278. | Weapons and ornaments. Dakota | 750-752 |
1279. | Weapons | 753 |
1280. | Australian wommera and clubs | 754 |
1281. | Turtle. Maya | 756 |
1282. | Armadillo. Yucatan | 756 |
1283. | Dakota drawings | 756 |
1284. | Ojibwa drawings | 757 |
1285-1287. | Grave creek stone | 761-762 |
1288. | Imitated pictograph | 765 |
1289. | Fraudulent pictograph | 767 |
1290. | Chinese characters | 767 |