| Page. |
Introduction | 25 |
Chapter I. Petroglyphs | 31 |
Chapter II. Petroglyphs in North America | 37 |
Section 1. Petroglyphs in Canada | 37 |
Nova Scotia | 37 |
Ontario | 42 |
Manitoba | 43 |
British Columbia | 44 |
Section 2. Petroglyphs in the United States | 45 |
Alaska | 47 |
Arizona | 48 |
California | 52 |
Owens Valley | 56 |
Colorado | 72 |
Connecticut | 75 |
Georgia | 76 |
Idaho | 77 |
Illinois | 77 |
Iowa | 80 |
Kansas | 80 |
Kentucky | 81 |
Maine | 81 |
Maryland | 83 |
Massachusetts | 86 |
Minnesota | 87 |
Montana | 90 |
Nebraska | 90 |
Nevada | 92 |
New Mexico | 96 |
New York | 98 |
North Carolina | 99 |
Ohio | 101 |
Oregon | 104 |
Pennsylvania | 106 |
Rhode Island | 113 |
South Dakota | 114 |
Tennessee | 114 |
Texas | 115 |
Utah | 116 |
Virginia | 121 |
Washington | 122 |
West Virginia | 124 |
Wisconsin | 126 |
Wyoming | 128 |
Section 3. Petroglyphs in Mexico | 131 |
Section 4. Petroglyphs in the West Indies | 136 |
Puerto Rico | 136 |
The Bahama islands | 453 |
Animal | 455 |
Vegetable | 458 |
Chapter XIV. Religion | 461 |
Section 1. Symbols of the supernatural | 462 |
Section 2. Myths and mythic animals | 468 |
Thunder birds | 483 |
Section 3. Shamanism | 490 |
Section 4. Charms and amulets | 501 |
Section 5. Religious ceremonies | 505 |
Section 6. Mortuary practices | 517 |
Chapter XV. Customs | 528 |
Section 1. Cult societies | 528 |
Section 2. Daily life and habits | 530 |
Section 3. Games | 547 |
Chapter XVI. History | 551 |
Section 1. Record of expedition | 552 |
Section 2. Record of battle | 554 |
Battle of the Little Bighorn | 563 |
Section 3. Record of migration | 566 |
Section 4. Record of notable events | 567 |
Chapter XVII. Biography | 571 |
Section 1. Continuous record of events in life | 571 |
Section 2. Particular exploits or events | 575 |
Chapter XVIII. Ideography | 583 |
Section 1. Abstract ideas expressed pictorially | 584 |
After; age—old and young; bad; before; big; center; deaf; direction; disease; fast; fear; freshet; good; high; lean; little; lone; many, much; obscure; opposition; possession; prisoner; short; sight; slow; tall; trade; union; whirlwind; winter, cold, snow | 585-606 |
Section 2. Signs, symbols, and emblems | 607 |
Section 3. Significance of colors | 618 |
Decorative use of color | 619 |
Ideocrasy of colors | 622 |
Color in ceremonies | 623 |
Color relative to death and mourning | 629 |
Colors for war and peace | 631 |
Color designating social status | 633 |
Section 4. Gesture and posture signs depicted | 637 |
Water | 642 |
Child | 643 |
Negation | 644 |
Chapter XIX. Conventionalizing | 649 |
Section 1. Conventional devices | 650 |
Peace; war; chief; council; plenty of food; famine; starvation; horses; horse stealing; kill and death; shot; coming rain | 650-662 |
Hittite emblems |