Introduction 25
Chapter I. Petroglyphs 31
Chapter II. Petroglyphs in North America 37
Section 1. Petroglyphs in Canada 37
Nova Scotia 37
Ontario 42
Manitoba 43
British Columbia 44
Section 2. Petroglyphs in the United States 45
Alaska 47
Arizona 48
California 52
Owens Valley 56
Colorado 72
Connecticut 75
Georgia 76
Idaho 77
Illinois 77
Iowa 80
Kansas 80
Kentucky 81
Maine 81
Maryland 83
Massachusetts 86
Minnesota 87
Montana 90
Nebraska 90
Nevada 92
New Mexico 96
New York 98
North Carolina 99
Ohio 101
Oregon 104
Pennsylvania 106
Rhode Island 113
South Dakota 114
Tennessee 114
Texas 115
Utah 116
Virginia 121
Washington 122
West Virginia 124
Wisconsin 126
Wyoming 128
Section 3. Petroglyphs in Mexico 131
Section 4. Petroglyphs in the West Indies 136
Puerto Rico 136
The Bahama islands 453
Animal 455
Vegetable 458
Chapter XIV. Religion 461
Section 1. Symbols of the supernatural 462
Section 2. Myths and mythic animals 468
Thunder birds 483
Section 3. Shamanism 490
Section 4. Charms and amulets 501
Section 5. Religious ceremonies 505
Section 6. Mortuary practices 517
Chapter XV. Customs 528
Section 1. Cult societies 528
Section 2. Daily life and habits 530
Section 3. Games 547
Chapter XVI. History 551
Section 1. Record of expedition 552
Section 2. Record of battle 554
Battle of the Little Bighorn 563
Section 3. Record of migration 566
Section 4. Record of notable events 567
Chapter XVII. Biography 571
Section 1. Continuous record of events in life 571
Section 2. Particular exploits or events 575
Chapter XVIII. Ideography 583
Section 1. Abstract ideas expressed pictorially 584
After; age—old and young; bad; before; big; center; deaf; direction; disease; fast; fear; freshet; good; high; lean; little; lone; many, much; obscure; opposition; possession; prisoner; short; sight; slow; tall; trade; union; whirlwind; winter, cold, snow 585-606
Section 2. Signs, symbols, and emblems 607
Section 3. Significance of colors 618
Decorative use of color 619
Ideocrasy of colors 622
Color in ceremonies 623
Color relative to death and mourning 629
Colors for war and peace 631
Color designating social status 633
Section 4. Gesture and posture signs depicted 637
Water 642
Child 643
Negation 644
Chapter XIX. Conventionalizing 649
Section 1. Conventional devices 650
Peace; war; chief; council; plenty of food; famine; starvation; horses; horse stealing; kill and death; shot; coming rain 650-662
Hittite emblems


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