Illustrations have been moved next to the text to which they refer. Page numbers in the text or the list of Illustrations may not match their locations in the eBook. The following apparent errors have been corrected: - p. 6 "Seggestions" changed to "Suggestions"
- p. 11 "Cerimonial" changed to "Ceremonial
- p. 19 "proposed with with" changed to "proposed with"
- p. 21 "standstone" changed to "sandstone"
- p. 22 "Virginia," changed to "Virginia."
- p. 44 "reason" changed to "season"
- p. 55 "et. seq." changed to "et seq."
- p. 56 "signifes" changed to "signifies"
- p. 60 "Plate IV" changed to "Plate VI"
- p. 61 "PERSON" changed to "PERSON."
- p. 67 "neck on" changed to "neck, on"
- p. 71 "octupus" changed to "octopus"
- p. 72 "sqid" changed to "squid"
- p. 72 "frog in" changed to "frog on"
- p. 86 "(Pleiades)" changed to "(Pleiades)"
- p. 94 "interpetation" changed to "interpretation"
- p. 102 "-No. 1. A Mandan" changed to "-No. I. A Mandan"
- p. 106 "Ree Indians. dians." changed to "Ree Indians."
- p. 110 "Lone Dog’s" changed to "Lone-Dog’s"
- p. 113 "1824-’25" changed to "1824-’25."
- p. 123 "extremity of of" changed to "extremity of"
- p. 133 "woman-winter." changed to "woman winter."
- p. 155 "Bureau of, Ethnology." changed to "Bureau of Ethnology."
- p. 175 "Painted-rock" changed to "Painted-rock."
- p. 186 "Mdewakantanwan" changed to "Mdewakantawan"
- p. 195 "page 36" changed to "page 86"
- p. 196 "Fig, 111a" changed to "Fig. 111a"
- p. 200 "seq" changed to "seq."
- p. 206 "Miztec" changed to "Miztec)"
- p. 246 "Fig. 207" changed to "Fig. 207."
- (index) "cited on Indina" changed to "cited on Indian"
- (index) "Hupa" changed to "HupÂ"
- (index) "Laudonniere" changed to "LaudonniÈre"
- (index) "McGillicuddy" changed to "McGillycuddy"
- (index) "MacKenzie" changed to "Mackenzie"
- (index) "Maclean" changed to "MacLean"
- (index) "Mottellet" changed to "Mortillet"
- (index) "Mussellshell" changed to "Musselshell"
- (index) "Weid" changed to "Wied"
- (index) "Schlieman" changed to "Schliemann"
- (index) "Schomburgh" changed to "Schomburgk"
- (index) "Everard F. im." changed to "Everard F. im"
- (index) "Tomanawas" changed to "Tomanawos"
- (index) "Waterson’s" changed to "Watterson’s"
- (index) "Wintun" changed to "Wintun"
Inconsistent or dubious spelling and punctuation have otherwise been left as printed. The captions on plates have been regularised. The following are inconsistently used in the text: - aËrial and aerial
- Aigaluxamut and AÍgalÚxamut
- arrowheads and arrow-heads
- Cottontail and Cotton-tail
- cottonwood and cotton-wood
- footprint and foot-print
- HaÑka and Hanka
- headwaters and head-waters
- horseshoes and horse-shoes
- Kiatexamut and KiatÉxamut
- Lenni-Lenape and Lenni-LenapÈ
- Oglala and OglÁla
- outline and out-line
- rawhide and raw-hide
- sandstone and sand-stone
- sculpin and skulpin
- subchiefs and sub-chiefs
- Wa[c]a[c]e and Wa[c]ace
- warpath and war-path
- widespread and wide-spread
- Zuni and ZuÑi
On pp. 81-82, ">-shaped", "v-shaped" and ">-shape" were printed with special symbols. |