href="@public@vhost@g@html@files@54643@54643-h@54643-h-17.htm.html#Page_165" class="pginternal">165
Plate Page.
I.—Colored pictographs in Santa Barbara County, California 34
II.—Colored pictographs in Santa Barbara County, California 35
III.—New Zealand tattooed heads 76
IV.—Ojibwa Meda song 82
V.—Penn wampum belt 87
VI.—Winter count on buffalo robe 89
VII.—Dakota winter counts: for 1786-’87 to 1792-’93 100
VIII.—Dakota winter counts: for 1793-’94 to 1799-1800 101
IX.—Dakota winter counts: for 1800-’01 to 1802-’03 103
X.—Dakota winter counts: for 1803-’04 to 1805-’06 104
XI.—Dakota winter counts: for 1806-’07 to 1808-’09 105
XII.—Dakota winter counts: for 1809-’10 to 1811-’12 106
XIII.—Dakota winter counts: for 1812-’13 to 1814-’15 108
XIV.—Dakota winter counts: for 1815-’16 to 1817-’18 109
XV.—Dakota winter counts: for 1818-’19 to 1820-’21 110
XVI.—Dakota winter counts: for 1821-’22 to 1823-’24 111
XVII.—Dakota winter counts: for 1824-’25 to 1826-’27 113
XVIII.—Dakota winter counts: for 1827-’28 to 1829-’30 114
XIX.—Dakota winter counts: for 1830-’31 to 1832-’33 115
XX.—Dakota winter counts: for 1833-’34 to 1835-’36 116
XXI.—Dakota winter counts: for 1836-’37 to 1838-’39 117
XXII.—Dakota winter counts: for 1839-’40 to 1841-’42 117
XXIII.—Dakota winter counts: for 1842-’43 to 1844-’45 118
XXIV.—Dakota winter counts: for 1845-’46 to 1847-’48 119
XXV.—Dakota winter counts: for 1848-’49 to 1850-’51 120
XXVI.—Dakota winter counts: for 1851-’52 to 1853-’54 120
XXVII.—Dakota winter counts: for 1854-’55 to 1856-’57 121
XXVIII.—Dakota winter counts: for 1857-’58 to 1859-’60 122
XXIX.—Dakota winter counts: for 1860-’61 to 1862-’63 123
XXX.—Dakota winter counts: for 1863-’64 to 1865-’66 124
XXXI.—Dakota winter counts: for 1866-’67 to 1868-’69 125
XXXII.—Dakota winter counts: for 1869-’70 to 1870-’71 126
XXXIII.—Dakota winter counts: for 1871-’72 to 1876-’77 127
XXXIV.—Corbusier winter counts: for 1775-’76 to 1780-’81 130
XXXV.—Corbusier winter counts: for 1781-’82 to 1786-’87 131
XXXVI.—Corbusier winter counts: for 1787-’88 to 1792-’93 132
XXXVII.—Corbusier winter counts: for 1793-’94 to 1798-’99 133
XXXVIII.—Corbusier winter counts: for 1799-1800 to 1804-’05 134
XXXIX.—Corbusier winter counts: for 1805-’06 to 1810-’11 134
69.—Dakota pictograph: for Arikara 166
70.—Dakota pictograph: for Omaha 166
71.—Dakota pictograph: for Pawnee 166
72.—Dakota pictograph: for Assiniboine 166
73.—Dakota pictograph: for Gros Ventre 166
74.—Lean-Wolf as “Partisan” 168
75.—Two-Strike as “Partisan” 169
76.—Lean-Wolf (personal name) 172
77.—Pointer. Dakota 172
78.—Shadow. Dakota 173
79.—Loud-Talker. Dakota 173
80.—Boat Paddle. Arikara 182
81.—African property mark 182
82.—Hidatsa feather marks: First to strike enemy 184
83.—Hidatsa feather marks: Second to strike enemy 184
84.—Hidatsa feather marks: Third to strike enemy 184
85.—Hidatsa feather marks: Fourth to strike enemy 184
86.—Hidatsa feather marks: Wounded by an enemy 184
87.—Hidatsa feather marks: Killed a woman 184
88.—Dakota feather marks: Killed an enemy 185
89.—Dakota feather marks: Cut throat and scalped 185
90.—Dakota feather marks: Cut enemy’s throat 185
91.—Dakota feather marks: Third to strike 185
92.—Dakota feather marks: Fourth to strike 185
93.—Dakota feather marks: Fifth to strike 185
94.—Dakota feather marks: Many wounds 185
95.—Successful defense. Hidatsa, etc. 186
96.—Two successful defenses. Hidatsa, etc. 186
97.—Captured a horse. Hidatsa, etc. 186
98.—First to strike an enemy. Hidatsa 187
99.—Second to strike an enemy. Hidatsa 187
100.—Third to strike an enemy. Hidatsa 187
101.—Fourth to strike an enemy. Hidatsa 187
102.—Fifth to strike an enemy. Arikara 187
103.—Struck four enemies. Hidatsa 187
104.—Thunder bird. Dakota 188
105.—Thunder bird. Dakota 188
106.—Thunder bird (wingless). Dakota 189
107.—Thunder bird (in beads). Dakota 189
108.—Thunder bird. Haida 190
109.—Thunder bird. Twana 190
110.—Ivory record, Shaman exorcising demon. Alaska 191
111.—Ivory record, Supplication for success. Alaska 192
111a.—Shaman’s Lodge. A


By Garrick Mallery.


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