Siege of PlatÆa—Numantia—Tyre—Syracuse—Lines of Circumvallation—Siege of Jerusalem—Of La RÉole—Effects of the invention of gunpowder—Siege of Ostend—Magdeburg—Character of the mercenary troops of the seventeenth century—Siege of Zaragoza
Character of Cleon—Blockade and capture of the LacedÆmonians at Pylos—Comparison with the capture of Porto Bello by Admiral Vernon—Greek comedy—Sketch of the Knights of Aristophanes—Subsequent history of Cleon—Account of the Popish Plot—Character and history of Titus Oates—Mutilation of the HermÆ at Athens
Athenian expedition against Sicily—Siege of Syracuse—Retreat and destruction of the army—Retreat of Ney in Russia—Retreat of Sir John Hawkwood in Italy
Sketch of the interval which elapsed between the defeat in Sicily, and the battle of ArginusÆ—Battle of ArginusÆ—Prosecution and death of the Athenian Generals—Massacre of the De Witts—End of the Peloponnesian war
History and character of Socrates—Account of his death—Prosecution of John Huss, and Jerome of Prague—Attempt to re–establish Prelacy in Scotland—Brown—Guthrie—Reformation in England—Account of Rowland Taylor