
Aristides, 131, 132, 139, 140, 143.

Armada, Spanish, 112-126.

Athens, plague of, 166, 169-177.

Cid, Chronicle of, 25-28.

Cimon, policy of, 143-146.

Constantinople, plague of, 178-183.

Drageschan, battle of, 74.

Education, Athenians, 152-157.

Florence, plague of, 184-197.

Jaques, St., battle of, 64-69.

London, plague of, 218-23.

Marathon, battle of, 13-16.

Milan, plague of, 98-214.

Miltiades, 127-130.

Morgarten, battle of, 43-52.

Peloponnesian war, origin of, 158-163.

Pericles, policy of, 147-152.

Plague, historians who have described it, 164-166;

——principal recorded, 166-169;

——of Athens, 169-177;

——of Constantinople, 177-183;

——of Florence, 184-198;

——of Milan, 198-214;

——medical treatment and state of science, 214-218;

——of London, 218-231.

Reading, Aloys, 48.

Salamis, battle of, 86-103.

Siege of La Valette, 69-72;

——of Leyden, 103-112;

——methods of the ancients, their rudeness and little improvement, until the use of gunpowder, 22-27, 29-32;

——Introduction of cannon, 38, 39;

——of Numantia, 19-22;

——of Tyre, 25-28;

——Syracuse, by Marcellus, 28-31;

——by Athenians, 177;

——of Jerusalem, 32-36;

——of La RÉole, 37;

——of Ostend, 39-50;

——of Magdeburg, 50-62;

——of Zaragoza, 63-77.

Sempach, battle of, 49-54; Law of, 68.

Sobieski, John, King of Poland, 30-41.

Sophists, 153-157.

Themistocles, character and policy of, 133-140.

ThermopylÆ, battle of, 55-64

Tours, battle of, 23-25.

Valette, La, siege of, 69-72.

Vienne, siege by Turks, and battle, 30-41.

Xerxes, invasion of Greece by, 5-22, 55-64.


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