| Page | John Sobieski, king of Poland, from a medal struck after the deliverance of Vienna | 5 | Medal struck by the Dutch, after the defeat of the Spanish Armada. Above is the name of Jehovah encompassed by a glory, from which the Pope, Cardinals, and Monks are flying in grand confusion. Motto, “Whom God will destroy with the breath of his mouth.” | 86 | Another medal struck by the Dutch on the same occasion, representing the Pope, Cardinals, and Catholic Princes, sitting in conclave, blindfold, and trampling upon iron spikes. There are two mottos, “It is hard to kick against the pricks.” “O the blind minds, the blind hearts of men!” | 126 | Bust of Miltiades, from ViscontÉ, Iconographie Grecque | 127 | Bust of Themistocles, from the same | 140 | Bust of Thucydides | 141 | Pericles. From a marble bust in the British Museum | 161 | Medal of Boccaccio | 164 | Medal of Cardinal Charles Borromeo, from a cast in the British Museum | 202 | Medal struck to commemorate the Plague and Fire of London | Obverse | 220 | Reverse | 230 | The medals have been engraved from the originals in the British Museum.