
Alp Arslan, 93.

Antony, retreat of, from Parthia, 211-213.

Aristogiton, 169-174.

Aristomenes, 40-54.

Bajazet, imprisoned by Tamerlane, 86.

—— his treatment of French prisoners, 88-92.

Brooke, death of Lord, 134.

Buchan, Countess of, imprisoned by Edward I., 87, 88.

Caligula, 134-143.

Cambyses, 120-131.

Cleomenes, 132, 133.

Crassus, retreat and death of, 198-211.

Croesus, 77-80, 156.

Cylon, insurrection of, 154.

Darius, invasion of Scythia by, 190-198.

England, state of, under first Norman kings, 23-27.

Fatalism, 156-161.

Greek history, mythic period of, 11-13, 21-23.

Guesclin, Bertrand du, treatment by Black Prince, 103, 104, 108-113.

Harmodius, 169-174.

Hereward le Wake, 54-58.

Hipparchus and Hippias, 168-174.

John, King of France, treatment by Black Prince, 105-107.

Julian, Emperor, invasion of Parthia, and death, 213-223.

Medici, Cosmo de’, 175-180.

—— Piero, 181.

—— Lorenzo and Julian, 181-189.

Messenians, early history of, 40-54.

Napoleon, retreat from Moscow 224-237237.

Paul, Emperor, 143-152.

Pazzi, conspiracy of, 183-189.

Pedro, Don, King of Castile, 31-36.

Pisistratus, 163-168.

Power, effects of absolute, 114-119.

Prisoners of war, treatment of, 77-113.

Reedman, Sir Matthew, anecdote from Froissart, 100-102.

Retreat of Darius from Scythia, 196-198;

—— Antony from Parthia, 211-213;

—— Julian in Assyria, 213-223;

—— Napoleon from Moscow, 225-237;

—— Ney in Russia, 190, 194;

—— Hawkwood in Lombardy, 194-197.

Roncesvalles, battle of, 74-85.

Scandinavia, compared with Greece in its early state, 9-20.

Triumphs, Roman, 82-86.

Trojan War, 36-39.

Valerian, treatment by Sapor, 85, 86.

Wallace, 58-76.


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