Accounts, native, verbatim: Shipwreck and Salvage, , ; Kaloma making, Adultery, case of, Amphlett Is, scenery of, , , ; inhabitants of, – villages in, –; author’s experiences in the, –; chieftainship among, . (See Trade; Pottery; Departure of Kula parties from A.) Armshells, exchange of A. in the Kula, ; manufacture of, , ; entry into the Kula of, ; naming of, Armstrong, W. E., researches among the S. Massim, n Arrival, of Kula parties, in the Amphletts, , ; in Dobu, ; of Dobuan fleet in the Amphletts, ; A. and reception of Dobuan fleet in Sinaketa, –; A. home in Sinaketa, ; in Kitava, Atu’a’ine, Aturamo’a, Sinatemubadie’i, mythological persons, , . (See Pokala) Bagi. (See Soulava) Baloma (spirits) and magic, , Barter, ceremonial, –. (See Trade) Barton, F., on hiri trading expeditions, n Basi, intermediary, gift in the Kula, ; – Beauty magic, , Behaviour of natives, study of, – Beku, stone blades exchanged in the Kula, . (See Kukumali) Betel-Nut, in magic, ; Bisila, pandanus streamers, , ; magic of, ibid Bomala (taboo) . (See Taboo) Bosu, lime spatula of whale-bone, exchanged in the Kula, Bulubwalata, evil magic, ; Bwaga’u, see Sorcery Cannibalism, mythical references to, , ; Canoes, Ch. IV; principles of stability, of, –; three classes of, , ; social organisation of labour at construction of, –; ownership of, –; ceremonial building of, Ch. V; magic of, . (See Launching; Sailing; Tasasoria; Kabigidoya; Magic; Nagega; Masawa; Yawarapu; Compartments of a C.) Ceremonial objects, , ; Charts, as instruments of method, –. (See Method) Chiefs, of Sinaketa, Chieftainship. (See Trobriand I. natives; Amphlett Is.) Circulation of vaygu’a on the Kula ring, , Commercial honour, in Kula transactions, , , (See Quarrelling) Communal Labour, – Compartments, of a canoe, . (See Gebobo) Conch shell, magic of, – Concrete evidence, method of, –. (See Method) Conversations, about Kula, . (See Partnership) Cultural districts, of the Kula, –, Ch. I, Divs. II–V; –; c. d. of the Trobriands, Ch. II, Divs. I–VII Dabwana, see Dogina Dangers of sailing, real, , ; legendary, ; – –. (See Shipwreck) Dates, fixing of, ; , . (See Synchronising events) Departure, overseas, Ch. VII; from Sinaketa, , ; of Kula parties from the Amphletts, ; from Dobu, ; of Dobuan fleet from the Amphletts, , Distributions, ceremonial. (See Eguya’i, Madare, Sagali, So’i) District of the Kula, Ch. I; sub-divisions of, – Dobu, district of, –; tribe of, –; appearance of, ; customs of, –; Kula in, Ch. XIV; Kula expeditions from, Ch. XVI Doga, circular boars’ tusk, exchanged in the Kula, Dogina, conclusion of magical spells, ; phonetic characteristics of, Economics of primitive man, ; ; –, –. (See Value) Eguya’i, distribution of food in Dobu, Evolution, absence of idea of, Field work, first experiences of, –; proper conditions for, –. (See Method) Flying canoe, myth of. (See Kudayuri; Mulukwausi and the flying of canoes) Foodstuffs, psychology of relation to, in the Trobriands, –, (See Sagali) Frazer, Sir James, distinction between religion and magic, n; on the psychological principle of magic, n; concept of totem, Gardens and Magic, in the Trobriands, , Gardiner, A. H., on linguistic methods, n Gebobo, main compartment of a canoe, ; magic of; Gere’u, Kultur-hero, Gifts. (See Give and Take) Gilmour, Rev. M., on Trobriand trade, n, n Gimwali (trade) ; –; – Give and Take, in Trobriand tribal life, ; psychology of, –; list of gifts, –; sociology of, –; in Kaloma industry –. (See Basi-, Gimwali Kaributu, Kinship and Presents; Korolomna; Kudu; Kwaypolu; Kula; Laga; Mapula; Pari Pokala; Puwaya; Talo’i; Trade; Vata’i; Wasi) Gora, mortuary taboo, Gumagabu, legend and song of, – Gwara, taboo in Dobu, , ; Haddon, A. C., advance in method by, ; on racial divisions in New Guinea, ; on migrations of cultures, ibid, n Historical changes, ; , , Historical perspective, lack of, Hubert, H. and the concept of mama, Inland, Kula, Ch. XIX; in the Trobriands, –; in the other districts, Institutions, study of, –. (See Method) Intertribal relations, how news spread in, – Jenness, D. and Ballantyne A., quoted ; on missionary feats, n. Kabigidoya, ceremonial presentation of a canoe, –; Kalipoulo, fishing canoe, Kaloma (spondylus shell), fishing and working of, Ch. XV; distribution of manufacture of, ; mythology of, , ; magic of, –; ceremonial fishing for, ; manufacturing of, – Kaributu, sollicitory gifts in the Kula, ; ; . Kariyala, magical portent, of wayugo ; Kasabwaybwayreta, Kultur-hero of the Kula, – Katudababile, necklace, exchanged in the Kula, Katuyausi, fornicating expeditions, in the Trobriands, Ka’ubana’i, safety magic, –; absent on expeditions to Kitava, Kayga’u, magic of fog, –; myth about origin of, – Kaytalugi and Kokopawa, mythical countries, , Kaytaria, magic of rescue, , Kewo’u, small canoe, Kinship, in the Trobriands, , kinship and presents, –, – Kitava, Kula in, Ch. XX; privileged position in the ring, Kiriwina, Kula expeditions from K. to Kitava, Ch. XX Korotomna, secondary gift, Kudayuri myth of the flying canoe, – Kudu, clinching gift in the Kula, , , Kukumali, greenstone used for stone implements, , Kula, general description of, Ch. III; short definition of, –; its economic nature, –; its main rules and aspects, –; K. as exchange of valuables, –; its secondary rules and aspects, –; mythology of, Ch. XII, Divs. III–V; exchange valuables in the, –; ceremonial presentation of gifts within, –; meaning of, Ch. XXII; as a type of ethnological fact, –. (See Conversations; Dobu; Social grouping; Synchronising events; Technicalities; Trade; Wawoyla) Kula community, defined, ; transactions within a, –; limits of, within the Trobriands, – Kula magic. (See Mwasila, Magic) Kulturkreise. (See Cultural districts) Kultur-myths, Kwaypolu, sollicitory gifts, Kwita, legendary giant octopus, Labour, Organisation of, in the Trobriands, –. (See Communal Labour, Trobriand Is. natives) Laga, ceremonial purchase, , Lashing creeper. (See Wayugo) Launching of canoes, Ch. VI, Div. I Legends, Gumagabu, , Lilava, the magical bundle of Kula goods, –; Taboos of, , Linguistic documents, study of, , ; Ch. XVII Madare, distribution of food in the Amphletts, Magic, systems of, ; associated with canoes, Ch. V passim, ; Ch. VIII, Div. III; bridging over myth with reality, , ; magic and the Kula, Ch. XVII; subject matter of, –; method in studying underlying ideas of, , ; a primeval force, –; intrinsically a human force, , ; relation to myth, , ; systems of, –; table of Kula n. –; ceremonial element in, , ; concise summary of native view of, . (See Beauty Magic; Bisila; Bulubwalata; Canoes; Gebobo; Lilava; Kaloma; Kayga’u; Ka’ubana’i; Mulukwausi; Mwasila; Safety; Sailing; Shipwreck; Sulumwoya; Trobriand Is.; Vilamalya; Wawoyla; Wayugo; Wind; Yawarapu) Magical filiation, , Magical power, of words, Ch. XVIII Magical power and practical efficiency, , Magical substances. (See Rites) Magician, general conditions of, –; taboos of, , ; sociology of, , ; economics of, , Mailu tribe, trading among, ; cultural relation to the Massim, ; manufacture of armshells among, n. Mapula, repayment, , ; , , Marett, R. R. and the concept of mama, Masawa, seagoing canoe, ; , . (See Canoes) Massim, racial sub-division of, –; description of Southern Massim tribes, Ch. I, Div. III, –; villages of, , ; appearance of, ; customs of, , ; Northern Massim, – Mauss, M., and the concept of mana, Megwa (magic) . (See Magic) Mentality of natives, study of, –. (See Method) Method of Ethnographic field work, Introduction, Divs. II–VIII; its clear statement indispensable, –, , 16; influence of scientific aims on, –; summary of, , . (See Concrete evidence; Charts; Field Work; Linguistic documents; Magic; Method in studying) Migrations, in the Kula district, , Milamala, annual feast and return of the spirits in the Trobriands, ; Mint. (See Sulumwoya) Mortuary distribution. (See So’i, Sagali) Mulukwausi, flying witches, ; , –, Ch. X, passim; magic against, –; nature of, , ; imitation and training of, , ; status of, , methods of flight of, , sorcery, inflicted by, – association with shipwreck, –; m. and the flying of canoes, , , . (See Kayga’u) Muwa, the initial and final halting place of Kula expeditions, Ch. VIII Mwali. (See Armshells) Mwasila, the magic of the Kula , ; Ch. VIII passim; Ch. XIII passim; , Myth, Ch. XII; native definition of, , ; distinction between myth and actuality, –, –330; stratification of, , ; sociological analysis of, –. (See Atu’a’ine, Aturaino’a, Sina temubadie’i; Clans and m; Gere’u; Kaloma; Kasabwaybwayreta; Kudayuri; Kulturmyths Magic; Origins; Petrifaction Tokosikuna) Myths; Tokulubwaydoga, , ; Gere’u, ; Tokosikuna, , , , , Kudayuri, , , , , , ; Kasabwaybwayreta, –. Atua’ine Aturaino’a and Sinatemubadiye’i, Nagega, seagoing canoe, , , . (See canoe) Natives, dying out of, causes of, – Natives. (See Tobriand Is. natives, Massim; Races; Dobu Amphletts) Necklaces. (See Soulava, Katudababile) Northern Massim. (See Massim) Nuwakekepaki, jumping stones, Octopus. (See Kwita) Organisation of savage communities, , Orgiastic Licence, during weeding in the Trobriands, , Origins of institutions, native ideas about, Origins of magic, – Ownership, in the Trobriands, defined, Ownership, of the Kula articles, Pari, goods taken on Kula; also (more especially) arrival gifts, ; , ; , ; , ; . (See Vata’i) Partnerships, briefly defined, , social intercourse within, , ; sociology of, Ch. XI, Div. II, ; limitations to, ; p. relation in general, ; list of partners, ; entering into, ; women as partners, Payments. (See Give and Take). Petrefaction, mythological, , , , – Pokala,—sollicitory offering in the Kula, , , –, Pokala,—tribute to chief, Pokala,—payment to kinsmen, , Pokala,—offerings given to mythical persons, –, Pottery in the Amphletts, –286 Presents. (See Give and Take) Provinces, in the Trobriand Is., – Prow-board. (See Tabuyo) Puwaya, gifts for work done, Quarrelling, in the Kula, –. (See Commercial Honour) Races, in New Guinea, –. (See Massim) Rank. (See Trobriand Is. natives) Return visit of the Dobuans to Sinaketa, Ch. XVI Return journey of the Sinaketans, , Rites, magical, general analysis, –; substances used in, , Rivers, W. H. R., advance in method by, n; genealogical method of, Sailing; Ch. IV; sociology of, , ; magic of, –; s. on Pilolu, Ch. IX; technique of, , ; privileges of sub-clans in, –. (See Dangers; Stars; Wind) Safety magic. (See Ka’uba-na’i, Kayga’u) Sagali, ceremonial distributions, –, , , ; s. at an Uvalaku, – Sago, making of, , Sarubwoyna, the beach of Kula magic, Ch. XIII, Scenery, s. and myth, Scenery, in Eastern New Guinea, , ; in Dobu, –; in the Amphletts, , , ; in the Trobriands, , ; in the Lagoon villages, , ; on Pilolu, , ; in N.E. Fergusson Is., Seligman, C. G., on trading among the Southern Massim, ; advance in method by, n; methods of field work, ; on racial divisions in New Guinea, , ; on customs of the S. Massim. , ; on types among N. Massim, n; on Trobriand customs, , n, n; on trade on the S. Coast, n; on flying witches, ; on greenstone quarry of Suloga, n; on Marshall Bennett scenery, ; on Walaga feast, ; on S. Massim taboos, ; on mortuary feasts, ; on trade in Tubetube, , , ; use of word ‘currency,’ n Sex, laxity in the Trobriands, , ; repayment for sex intercourse, , ; s. relations in Dobu, , ; S. relations in the Amphletts, , , ; S. intercourse on overseas expeditions, . (See Katuyausi, Orgiastic licence) Sexual taboo. (See Taboo) Shipwreck, Ch. X, dangers of drowning during, –; story of, –; rescue from, –. (See Kayga’u, Kaytaria, Mulukwausi) Sinamatanoginogi, legendary rain, Sociology and myth. (See Myth. sociological analysis of) So’i, mortuary feasts associated with the Kula, , – Social Grouping of a Kula party, , . (See Sailing, Canoes) Songs. Gumagabu, , Soulava, necklaces of spondylus, shell-discs, exchanged in the Kula. , . (See Kaloma) Southern Massim. (See Massim) Sorcery, in the Trobriands, –, . (See Mulukwausi) Spells, magical, native ideas about, –; and rites, –; in relation to human anatomy, , ; theory of meaning of, vocal utterance of, , phonetic characteristics of, – Spells, in native, fragments of: Kaygagabile, –; Kadumiyala, ; Bisila, ; Kayikunaveva, ; Kapitunena Duku, ; Yawarapu. , ; Gebobo, ; Ta’uya, ; Giyotanawa, No. , ; Kaytaria, Spells, Magical: Vabusi Tokway, ; Kaymomwa’u, ; Kapitunena Duku, , ; Ligogu, ; Wayugo, –. –; Yawarapu, , ; Sulumwoya , , 439–; Kaymwalolo, , ; Lilava, , ; Gebobo, ; Kadumiyala, ; Bisila, ; Kayikuna Veva, ; Giyorokaywa No (Leyya Kayga’u), –; Giyorokaywa No. (Pwaka Kayga’u), , ; Giyotanawa No. (Dakuna Kayga’u), ; Giyotanawa No. , , ; Kaytaria, , ; Kayga’u of Tokulubwaydoga, , ; Kaykakaya, , ; Talo, , ; Ta’uya, –; Kayikuna Tabuyo, ; Kavalikuliku, , ; Kaytavilena Mwoynawaga, ; Ka’ubana’i, , ; Kwoygapani, Spirits. (See Baloma; Milamala; Tauva’u; Tokway) Stars, in sailing, , Stone Implements. (See Kukumali) Stones, jumping. (See Nuwakekepaki; Vineylida) Sulumwoya, axomatic mint plant, magic of, , – Subclans. (See Trobriand Is.; Totemism; Sailing) Synchronising events, in the Kula, –, Taboos, sexual, kept before Kula expedition, ; t. of sailing, 229–; t. imposed on village during absence of Kula party, ; t. in Kula wooing, ; institutions of protective t., , . (See Gora, Gwara) Tabuyo, ornamental prow-board, , , Talo’i, farewell gifts; ; ; ; , Tanarere, comparison of valuables, , ; Tapwana, middle part of magical spells, ; analysis of one, –, phonetic characteristics of, , , , Tasasoria, trial run of a canoe, Ch. VI, Div. I. (See Canoe) Tauva’u, malignant spirits, , T. and the Kula, , Technology of pot making, –286 Technicalities of the Kula, Ch. XIV Texts, native statements quoted verbatim: ; , ; ; ; 229; ; , ; , ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; , ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; . (See Accounts, Legends, Myths, Spells, Songs) Texts, in native with translation and commentary, –; 460– –; ; ; ; ; ; – Tokosikuna, Kultur-hero of Kula, – Tokway, wood-sprite, , –; Toli. (See Ownership) Toli’uvalaku. (See Uvalaku) Toliwaga, owner or master of a canoe, –. (See Sailing; Compartments of a Canoe) Totemic clans, and myth of Kayga’u , ; t.c. and myths of Kula, , ; t.c. and magic, . (See Trobriand Is. natives) Trade, among South Sea Natives, ; preliminary to the Kula, , ; secondary in the Kula, , ; –; in the Amphletts, , 286–; between Kiriwina and Kitava. , ; in the Eastern branch of the Kula, –. (See Gimwali; Mailu) Trading expeditions, from the W. Trobriands, – Tradition, classification of, ; force of, – Trobriand Island natives, Ch. II; appearance of the, –; rank among, ; women and sex, among the, –; villages of –; gardens of, –; chieftainship, among, –; totemism, clans and kinship, among –; religion and magic of, –. (See Foodstuffs; Give and Take; Kinship; Labour; Milamala; Provinces; Scenery; Sorcery) Tubetube, Kula in, – Urigubu, annual payments of food to sister’s husband, ; –; U’ula, exordium or beginning of magical spells, ; analysis of one, –; phonetic characteristics of, , , , Uvalaku, ceremonial competitive expedition, –; an U. expedition described, Ch. XVI passim; ; ; ; arrangements about, , ; timetable of a, ; between Kiriwina and Kitava, , – Vaga, opening gift in the Kula, ; – Value, economic, in primitive societies, –; native conception of, , . (See Economics, Vaygu’a) Valuables. (See Vaygu’a; Beku; Bosu; Doga; Katudababile; Mwali; Soulava) Vata’i, arrival gifts, Vaygu’a, native valuables, – value of, –; entry into and egress from the Ring, ; , ; its meaning analysed, , ; ceremonial uses of, ; at death, , Vilamalya, magic of food, Vineylida, jumping stones, Waga. (See Canoes) Wasi, barter of fish for vegetables, , Wawoyla, wooing for Kula gifts, , ; magic of, , Wayugo, creeper for lashing canoes, ; magic of, – Westermarck, E., terminology of W. adopted, Wind, w. and sailing, , ; magic of, Witches. (See Mulukwausi) Wooing for Kula gifts. (See Kaributu, Kwaypolu, Pokala, Wawoyla) Yawarapu, canoe covering of plaited mats, ; its magic, , Yotile, return gift in the Kula, , – Yoyova. (See Mulukwausi) Youlawada, ceremony at Kula presentation, , Printed in Great Britain by Headley Brothers, Ashford, Kent; and 18, Devonshire Street, E.C.2. |