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Bronislaw Kasper Malinowski, (1884–1942) was a British anthropologist of Polish descent. Born in KrakÓw, Poland, he studied at the Jagiellonian University, KrakÓw, and in Leipzig. He moved to London in 1910. In 1914 Malinowski took part in an expedition to New Guinea and Melanesia and spent the next four years studying the people of the Trobriand Islands of the Southwest Pacific. He began teaching at the University of London in 1924 and became professor of social anthropology in 1927. Between 1939 and 1942 he was a visiting professor at Yale University. He was the founder of functionalism, a school in anthropology which maintains that cultures should be studied in terms of their particular internal dynamics.

This book, a classic in anthropology, describes in great detail the Kula system of the Trobriand Islands in New Guinea. In the Kula, valuables are circulated among the various islands in a complicated, ceremonial way. This system is a kind of “gift” culture, in which status is not obtained from the possession of material objects, but by handling them or giving them away, similar to the potlatch of the indigenous peoples of the Pacific Northwest Coast of Canada and the United States. This also has some relevance to the modern “Open Source” movement.

The book itself had a huge impact on anthropology, because of Malinowski’s at that time novel approach of anthropological research, in which the author immerged himself in the culture he studied, using informal interviews, direct observation, participation in the life of the group, and collective discussions.

The following corrections have been applied to the text:

Page Source Correction Edit distance
xiii questions question 1
xxi Kiriwinensium Kiriwiniensium 1
xxii, 515 and and and 4
xxii of of of 3
xxiii, 2, 78, 96, 97, 99, 200, 224, 224, 305, 415, 438, 444, 524 [Not in source] . 1
xxiii, 77, 125, 126, 407, 415, 426, 443, 526 wood sprite wood-sprite 1
xxiii, 106, 108, 126, 139, 343, 406 prowboards prow-boards 1
xxiii communial communal 1
xxiii V IV 1
xxvii sojurn sojourn 1
xxvii Inadmissability Inadmissibility 1
xxxi Diagramatic Diagrammatic 1
2 consideraable considerable 1
3 psycholgical psychological 1
5 pidgin English pidgin-English 1
18 inponderabilia imponderabilia 1
19 formalated formulated 1
20 occuring occurring 1
46 sphynxes sphinxes 1
51 unforgetable unforgettable 1
52 prognatic prognathic 1
54 ignominous ignominious 1
56 pictureseque picturesque 1
57 performmance performance 1
58, 208, 216, 285, 285, 492, 524 , [Deleted] 1
67 inhabitabts inhabitants 1
68 posesses possesses 1
69, 137, 281, 389, 470 betel nut betel-nut 1
70 subdivided sub-divided 1
77 familar familiar 1
79 Loughlands Loughlans 1
79 field work field-work 1
82 condiderable considerable 1
89 ond and 1
90 rythmic rhythmic 1
108 Plates Plate 1
110 assymetrical asymmetrical 2
114 disgression digression 1
116 controling controlling 1
119 a [Deleted] 2
120 3 C 1
122, 124, 255, 343, 431, 526 prowboard prow-board 1
127 wood sprites wood-sprites 1
140 expells expels 1
140 sunstances substances 1
142 beaviour behaviour 1
146 Kasanai Kasana’i 1
150 paraphenalia paraphernalia 1
152 [Not in source] still 6
163 basketsful basketfuls 2
168, 283 claypots clay-pots 1
181 have [Deleted] 5
211 dinghey dinghy 1
228 cannected connected 1
240 pyschology psychology 2
253 [Not in source] : 1
276 as a 1
278 Pwatai Pwata’i 1
282 relattively relatively 1
283 Seligmann Seligman 1
283 South West South-West 1
284 manufucturing manufacturing 1
285 elipsoid ellipsoid 1
287, 502 pummice pumice 1
288 form from 2
314 [Deleted] 1
323, 323, 324 [Not in source] 1
323 [Not in source] 1
323 1
328 unbridgable unbridgeable 1
332 Sinatemubadiyei Sinatemubadiye’i 1
332 [Deleted] 1
333 Tubtube Tubetube 1
334 Aturamoa Aturamo’a 1
336 pyschological psychological 2
338 proceding proceeding 1
343, 415, 433, 445, 484, 492, 492, 495, 521, 524, 525, 525, 525 [Not in source] , 1
344 fish hawk fish-hawk 1
346, 447, 502 , . 1
351 acquision acquisition 2
352 nochalance nonchalance 1
360 insistance insistence 1
360 [Not in source] 1
366 Pummice-stone Pumice-stone 1
370 overladed overloaded 1
370 fleets fleet 1
371 proprietory proprietary 1
379 ; : 1
380 ebulition ebullition 1
401 anthropmorphic anthropomorphic 1
411 urs urped usurped 1
413 uncorollated uncorrelated 2
423 perforance performance 1
426 Professsor Professor 1
426 Divison Division 1
428 inventers inventors 1
429, 443 VI V 1
429 creeeper creeper 1
435, 438 1
442 refering referring 1
447 undoubtly undoubtedly 2
450 [Not in source] - 1
451 ’), ),’ 2
466 well informed well-informed 1
475 wth with 1
476 comunity community 1
482 axeblades axe-blades 1
484 vocie voice 2
503 [Not in source] ) 1
516 dispell dispel 1
521 Betel Nut Betel-Nut 1
523 Tribriands Trobriands 1
524, 524, 526 , ; 1
525 [Not in source] ; 1

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