
Key to the BrontË Works, John Malham-Dembleby:—
Its place and importance, vii.-xii., 15, 17-19, 25, 58, 64, 80-2, 104, 108, 146, 154.
Importance of its Key Index, 169-171
Life of Charlotte BrontË, Mrs. Gaskell, 15, 22, 43-4, 52, 72, 83, 118, 123, 149, 161, 168;
cause of its sombreness, 82;
disappointment, and limitations, of, 15, 104;
and Branwell BrontË, 121.
Haworth Edition, 14, 17, 85, 121
Life of Charlotte BrontË, Augustine Birrell, 75
BrontËs: Life and Letters, Clement K. Shorter, 14, 73, 80, 87
Charlotte BrontË and Her Circle, Clement K. Shorter, 17, 135
Charlotte BrontË and Her Sisters, Clement K. Shorter, viii., 22, 77, 147, 159, 164
BrontË Country, Dr. Erskine Stuart, 35
Life of Emily BrontË, Miss Mary Robinson, 39;
character of work, 57
BrontË Family, Francis Leyland, 39-40, 158
BrontËs, Fact and Fiction, Rev. Angus Mackay, 13, 41, 132, 144

BrontË Homeland, J. Ramsden, 13
BrontËs in Ireland, Dr. William Wright, 13
Charlotte BrontË: Monograph, Sir T. Wemyss Reid, 14
Father of the BrontËs, W. W. Yates, 75
Rev. Patrick BrontË's Collected Works, Horsfall Turner, 13, 158
Thornton and the BrontËs, William Scruton, 161
Chapters from Some Memories, Lady Ritchie, 167
Craven Highlands, Harry Speight, 60
Dictionary of National Biography, Leslie Stephen, 21, 159
English Dialect Dictionary, Dr. Joseph Wright, 68, 149
Gleanings in Craven, Frederic Montagu, 20-36, 57-68, 141-2, 145;
Leeds and Skipton, 20;
dedicated to Duke of Devonshire, printed by A. Pickard, published by Simpkin, Marshall & Co., 20.
Also see under Wuthering Heights and Jane Eyre, for Malham and Montagu, and Key Index to those works
Kalderworth, or Lawyer Vavasor's Secret, John Malham-Dembleby,
Malham background of, 67;
when written, and origin of title, 67;
published by Joseph Cooke, Sir Edward Russell, Kt., and A. G. Jeans, 67
Memorials of Two Sisters: Susanna and Catherine Winkworth, 96
Miss Mary ou L'Institutrice, EugÈne Sue, 82, 84, 105-6, 120, 126-7, 130, 163.
See Key Index for M. Sue
Mrs. Brookfield and Her Circle, 167
Sydney Dobell's Life and Letters, 153-4
Woman's Work in English Fiction, Clara H. Whitmore, A.M., viii.

Academy, 169
Cornhill Magazine, 162
Dundee Advertiser, xi.
Fortnightly Review, xi., 39, 70, 104, 125, 162-3
Liverpool Post, 67
London and Paris Courier, G. W. MacArthur Reynolds and M. Sue, 105
London Journal; Weekly Times, 105
New York Times Saturday Review, xi.
Outlook, xi.
Palladium, 153-4, 169
Quarterly Review, 138-9, 153, 169
Saturday Review, xi., xii., 20, 68, 153
Sheffield Independent, 67
Spectator, xi., 125
Times, 162, 164
Tribune, 162-5


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