Aiv?n | A kind of portico, or roofed recess. |
Anjuman | Assembly, committee. |
Arkh?l?q | Under-coat. |
B?b? | Follower of the B?b. |
B?d-g?r | Air-shaft. |
B?gh | Enclosed cultivation. |
Beh?? | Follower of Beh?u’llah. |
Ch?dar | Sheet; especially the cotton shawl worn over the head and whole body by the women. |
Ch?rv?d?r | Muleteer, or donkey caravan driver. |
Dast?r | Parsi priest. |
D?v | Demon. |
Farr?sh | Literally a carpet-sweeper. Really a servant, chiefly outdoor. |
Ferang? | Frank, European. |
Firm?n | Government order. |
Isl?m | Resignation to God. The name given by Mohammed to his religion. |
Jaz?ya | Poll tax levied by Mohammedans on non-Mohammedan monotheists living in their country. |
Jin | Genius; a being composed of fire. |
Kaj?va | A kind of wooden pannier with a hood. |
Kh?n | A hereditary title. |
Kr?n | A coin worth about 4½d., the tenth part of a tom?n. |
Kurs? | Wooden stool. Especially one used over a pan of charcoal to support a quilt. |
L?la | A spring candlestick with a globe. |
L?t? | A rough; a bad character. |
Man’ | A weight varying in different towns. In Yezd it is about 13 lbs. |
Manzil | Halting-place. |
Mazra’ | A piece of cultivated land. |
Mirz? | Clerk, secretary. |
Muballigh | A missionary. The word is generally used of the Beh?? missionaries in Yezd. |
Mujtahid | The highest class of the Mohammedan clergy. |
Mull? | A word very like our term “clerk.” It is generally used of the clergy, but it is sometimes a mere courtesy title, and sometimes means a man who can read. |
Mussulm?n, Muslim | A believer in Islam. One who is resigned to God. |
Nakhl | A religious implement. |
Nij?sat | Ceremonial uncleanness. |
Paighambar | Message bearer, prophet. |
Paighambar? | Prophethood. |
Qab? | Outer coat. |
Qal?ntar | Head-man. The title is used in Yezd for the head-man of the Parsis. |
Qali?n | Persian hookah. |
Qan’?t | Underground water-channel. |
Raiyat | Agriculturist, a tenant farmer who pays rent in kind. It also means a subject. |
R?za kh?n? | Religious recitation. |
Saugh?t | A traveller’s present. |
Sav?b | Work of merit. |
Seyid | A descendant of Mohammed. |
Shiah | Nonconformist. However, there is a Shiah sect held orthodox in Persia. |
Sunnat | Ancient traditions and Commentary on the Quran accepted by the Sunnis. |
Sunn? | A member of the Mohammedan sect accepting the Sunnat, who are considered orthodox in Turkey, India, and Africa, as opposed to the Shiahs of Persia and elsewhere. |
Taqd?r | Predestination. |
Taq?ya | Concealment of faith by denial in times of danger. |
Tauh?d | Assertion of the Divine Unity. |
Tom?n | A sum of money, 10,000 dinars, equivalent to about 3s. 8d. |
Yail?q | Summer quarters, generally a village in the hills. |
Zard?sht? | Follower of Zard?sht or Zoroaster, the Parsi prophet. |