Aiv?n A kind of portico, or roofed recess.
Anjuman Assembly, committee.
Arkh?l?q Under-coat.
B?b? Follower of the B?b.
B?d-g?r Air-shaft.
B?gh Enclosed cultivation.
Beh?? Follower of Beh?u’llah.
Ch?dar Sheet; especially the cotton shawl worn over the head and whole body by the women.
Ch?rv?d?r Muleteer, or donkey caravan driver.
Dast?r Parsi priest.
D?v Demon.
Farr?sh Literally a carpet-sweeper. Really a servant, chiefly outdoor.
Ferang? Frank, European.
Firm?n Government order.
Isl?m Resignation to God. The name given by Mohammed to his religion.
Jaz?ya Poll tax levied by Mohammedans on non-Mohammedan monotheists living in their country.
Jin Genius; a being composed of fire.
Kaj?va A kind of wooden pannier with a hood.
Kh?n A hereditary title.
Kr?n A coin worth about 4½d., the tenth part of a tom?n.
Kurs? Wooden stool. Especially one used over a pan of charcoal to support a quilt.
L?la A spring candlestick with a globe.
L?t? A rough; a bad character.
Man’ A weight varying in different towns. In Yezd it is about 13 lbs.
Manzil Halting-place.
Mazra’ A piece of cultivated land.
Mirz? Clerk, secretary.
Muballigh A missionary. The word is generally used of the Beh?? missionaries in Yezd.
Mujtahid The highest class of the Mohammedan clergy.
Mull? A word very like our term “clerk.” It is generally used of the clergy, but it is sometimes a mere courtesy title, and sometimes means a man who can read.
Mussulm?n, Muslim A believer in Islam. One who is resigned to God.
Nakhl A religious implement.
Nij?sat Ceremonial uncleanness.
Paighambar Message bearer, prophet.
Paighambar? Prophethood.
Qab? Outer coat.
Qal?ntar Head-man. The title is used in Yezd for the head-man of the Parsis.
Qali?n Persian hookah.
Qan’?t Underground water-channel.
Raiyat Agriculturist, a tenant farmer who pays rent in kind. It also means a subject.
R?za kh?n? Religious recitation.
Saugh?t A traveller’s present.
Sav?b Work of merit.
Seyid A descendant of Mohammed.
Shiah Nonconformist. However, there is a Shiah sect held orthodox in Persia.
Sunnat Ancient traditions and Commentary on the Quran accepted by the Sunnis.
Sunn? A member of the Mohammedan sect accepting the Sunnat, who are considered orthodox in Turkey, India, and Africa, as opposed to the Shiahs of Persia and elsewhere.
Taqd?r Predestination.
Taq?ya Concealment of faith by denial in times of danger.
Tauh?d Assertion of the Divine Unity.
Tom?n A sum of money, 10,000 dinars, equivalent to about 3s. 8d.
Yail?q Summer quarters, generally a village in the hills.
Zard?sht? Follower of Zard?sht or Zoroaster, the Parsi prophet.


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