In presenting to you, our third edition of “The Art of Home Candy Making,” we can safely say, that a more complete or practical book, on Home Candy Making, cannot be found. We strive not only to give you a larger variety of the finest candies that can be made, but to make each recipe, so thorough and simple that anyone with a little study before making them, can make every piece in this book with little or no trouble at all. In presenting a thermometer with each book and telling you how to use it, we lessen the work to such an extent, that when once using one, you would never attempt to make candy without it. In using a thermometer in candy-making, all it is necessary for you to do, is to put it down in the kettle in the boiling candy, and when it registers the required degree, the candy is done and cannot possibly be wrong. Every batch you make will be just the same, as we give you the exact degree to cook every recipe. This book is intended for those who make candy at home, and does not contain a single recipe, but that may be made right at home in your own kitchen with a very small outlay for tools, other than for cooking material. We have endeavored to make all things clear to you, but we must insist that you read each recipe over and study it carefully before starting to cook, if you wish success. With this explanation we think you will agree with us that this is the most complete book on home candy making ever written. Hoping you will make a success of your efforts, and with our assistance in answering all questions you will surely do so, we remain, Very Truly Yours, THE HOME CANDY MAKERS. Canton, O. |