vhost@g@html@files@58933@58933-h@58933-h-4.htm.html#Page_lvii" class="pginternal">lvii Baye neufve, perhaps Bass’s Straits, lviii Beach v. Boeach Berkenrode, ship, uncertainty about her fate, 183 Bessia river, name given to the second bay after Rooseboom’s Bay, 171 Binot Paulmier de Gonneville, supposed discovery of Australia, xviii; Bocage, BarbiÉ de v. BarbiÉ Boeach, misspelt for Lucach or Lochac, xvii Book of dispatches, from Batavia, extract; instructions for the expedition for the discovery of New Guinea, 43 Bosphorus (Sepharat), meaning Spain, 10 Botany Bay, originally called Stingray, afterwards from the variety of plants, Botany Bay; not the Coste des Herbaiges on the early maps, xxxiv Bowrey, captain, a copy of Tasman’s map in his handwriting, xcvi Brak, equipped for the expedition to New Guinea, 47 Breu, Antonio, going to Banda, in 1511, lx Brosses, de, correcting PrÉvost’s misstatement on the discovery of Carpentaria, c Brazil, discovery by the Portuguese, xxxviii Buscop, Franchoys, skipper, extract from his journal, on the “Trials,” 187 Cabral, discovery of Brazil, xxxviii Callemore, point of, on the South Land, 172 Calice, promontory, on the South Land, 172 Cambodia, the Lochac of Marco Polo, xvi Cano, Sebastian de, one of the commissioners appointed to decide about the right of possession of the Moluccas, xl Cape Keer Weer, (turn again), the furthest point of New Guinea reached by the Duyfhen, lxxx Cape York, the very large islands, seen by Torres, in 11° S. L., lxxv Capitana, expedition under Quiros, 31; - crew mutinous, 34;
- departs suddenly and treacherously, 38
Carpentaria, discovery falsely attributed to Carpenter, xcix; - misstatement corrected, c;
- Dubois on Carpenter, cii
Carpenter, the supposed discoverer of Carpentaria, c Carstens, Jan, despatched by J. P. Coen with the Pera and Arnhem from Amboina, murdered by the natives of New Guinea, lxxxvii, 44 Castanheda, narrative of the discovery of New Guinea, xlii Casuaris, name of the east point in the Roseboom’s Bay, 168 Cecco d’Ascoli, map of, xiv Ceira, name of New Guinea on the old Portuguese maps; mistake for Ceram, 97 Ceram Lauers, trade with the natives of New Guinea, 96 Ceramers v. Ceram Lauers Charles V. sells his right to the Moluccas to John II, xli Chastelijn, Cornelis, account of the discoveries, 165 Chinese, supposed to have been acquainted with Australia before the Europeans, xiv Chucupia, island, 36 Clyn Amsterdam, expedition to New Guinea, 46 Coen, Jan Pietersz, dispatches the Pera and Arnhem, lxxxvii Collaert, Gerrit, captain of the Nijptang, 113 Cook, captain Dalrymple’s insinuations, xxxi: - established the separation between New Holland and New Guinea, xiv
- Magalhaens, Fernando, not the discoverer of Australia, xxi;
- offers his services to Spain, sails in search of the Moluccas, xxxix
- Magellan, F. v. Magalhaens
- Malaiur, island, supposed to be the kingdom of the Malays, xvi
- Maleto, v. Maletur
- Maletur, misspelt for Maleto, xvii;
- occurs on maps of the sixteenth century on or near the Terra Australis, lxiv, 98
- Manilius, mentions the southern continent, xii
- Marco Polo, map, xiv;
- account, supposed to refer to Australia, xv
- Mare Lantchidol, misspelt for Laut KÌdol, or Chidol, “South Sea,” xvii
- Maria, Santa, island, v. Santa Maria
- Maria’s Land, point at the Delft Bay; inhabitants very stupid, 172
- Martin, Dr., on the map of Dourado, xxiii
- Martinez, Joan, Portolano, lxiii
- Matanza island, discovered by Torres, 35
- Mauritius, ship, discoveries, lxxxvi;
- met by the expedition to New Guinea in 1622, 44
- Meerlust, ship, 183
- MendaÑa de Meyra, Alvaro de, discoveries of New Guadalcanal, San Christobal, etc., 17
- Meneses, Jorge de, carried to New Guinea, lxiv
- Mercator, Indications of Australia, lxvii
- Metz, Frederic, refutes Dalrymple’s insinuations against Cook, xxxi
- Metz, Gauthier de, v. Gauthier
- Meyenberg, ship, brings the cargo of the Middenrack and Stabroeck over to Batavia, 183
- Mibais van Luyck, Gilles, first merchant of the Eendraght, lxxxi
- Middenrack, wrecks against the Table Bay, 182
- Milk-Sea, between Banda and the South Land, 97
- Moluccas, dispute between the Portuguese and Spanish, xxxviii;
- commission appointed to, xxxix;
- right to them sold by Charles V to John II. xli
- Monterey, Count of, vice-king of Peru, lxxii
- Montbret, Coquebert, memoir in the “Bulletin de Sciences,” xxxiv
- Montanus, Arias, Mappemonde, lxv
- Necquebar, v. Nicobar
- New Guadalcanal, discovered by Mendana, 17
- New Hebrides, the Terra Australis of Quiros, lxxii
- New Guinea, discovery, iv;
- New Guinea and New Holland supposed to form parts of a southern continent, xi;
- made an island in Ortelius’s 1587 edition, lxvii;
- expedition under Tasman, instructions, 43;
- the inhabitants, 52;
- description of the country and the natives, 91;
- their weapons, manners, etc., 92;
- the Ceramers, Papoos; further description of the country and its inhabitants, 95 seqq.
- New Guinea supposed to be divided from the South Land by a strait terminating in the South Sea; New Guinea in the old maps, under the name of Ceira (Ceram), 97
- New Holland, v. Australia
- Nibbens, Jan, communication about the Zeewijk, 179, 184
- Nicobar, island, Dampier’s canoe upsetting, all papers lost, 109
- Nieuwvliet, carries the cargo of the wrecked Middenrack and Stabroeck to Batavia,