43255-h-13.htm.html#Page_355" class="pginternal">355 Coliberti, 28, 33, 36, 329 Collective liability, 208 Coloni, 51 Colonization of villages, 365, 501 Colonization under Ine, 238, 367 Comes, 8 Comital manors, 167 Commendation, 67–75, 102, 104, 326 Common fields, 15, 379 Common property of burgesses, 200 Common, Rights of, 143, 202, 348, 352 Communalism, 149, 203, 341 Community, The borough, 198, 200 Community, The village, 142–150, 340–356 Compound householders, 125 Confessor, see Edward Conqueror, Writs of the, 266 Conquest, Norman, Effects of, 60, 135, 172 Consent of Witan, 247–252 Consuetudines, 67–8, 76–9 Continuity of hidation, 491, 509 Contract, Free, 171 Convertible husbandry, 366, 425 Conveyance in court, 323 Co-ownership, 143–4, 341 Cornage, 147 Cornwall, 410, 425, 428, 463, 467 Corporation, 204–209, 253, 341, 349, 351 Corroboration of land-books, 251 Cotarii, 23–25, 38–41 Cotlif, 334 >Cotseti, 39 Cotsetla, 328 Counties, Detached pieces of, 9 Counties, Farms of, 169 Counties,
@public@vhost@g@html@files@43255@43255-h@43255-h-9.htm.html#Page_223" class="pginternal">223, 240, Nativi, 51 New vills, 14, 365, 367 Night’s farm, 146, 169, 236–8, 319 Nottinghamshire, 90, 108, 127, 166, 427 Norfolk, 106, 146, 429, 483 Norman perches, 376 Norman tenures, 154 Northampton, 204, 208 Northamptonshire, 204, 457, 468 Northamptonshire Geld Roll, 2, 457 Northumberland, 7 Norwich, 192, 199, 200 Nucleated villages, 15 Oaths of thegns, 163 Oaths of villeins, 53 Oats, 439, 441 Office and property, 168 Ordeal, 281 Orwell, 63, 95, 129, 133, 136, 352 Oswald, St., 268, 289, 304–313 Oswald’s law, 85, 227, 267–9, 308–310, 424 Oswy’s gift, 511 Overrating and underrating, 447, 461 Ownership, Ancient and modern, 397 Ownership and superiority, 231, 342 Ownership, Limited, 299 Ox, Price of, 44, 444 Oxford, 156, 179, 188, 198, 202 Oxfordshire, 92, 169, 445, 505 Oxgang, 395<
207 Singulare pretium, 274 Sinuous furrows, 379 Slavery, see Servi Socage, Tenure in, 66 Sochemanni, 23–25, 62, 66–79, 95, 104, 125–6, 134–5, 213 Soke, 67–69, 80–107, 115, 258–292 Solta et persolta, 290 Somerset, 116, 166, 177, 215, 367, 479 Southwark, 98 Square measure, 370, 432 Staffordshire, 426 Stages, Theory of normal, 345 Stamford, 199, 200, 211 Staines, 111, 181 Staninghaw, 181 Statistical Tables, 400–3 Statistics, Domesday, 399 Stipulation, 250 Stock on manors, 116, 422 Stoke by Hisseburn, 330 Strip-holding, 337, 346 Sub-commendation, 74 Subinfeudation, 155 Subsidiary liability, 126 Suburbium, 214 Suffolk, 62, 77, 106, 117, 125–6, 147, 429, 483 Suit of court, 85, 95, 140, 322 Suitors borrowed, 95, 102 Sulung, 360, 395, 466, 484 Sunbury, 111 Superficial measurement, 370, 432 Surnames of vills, 14, 365, Cambridge: PRINTED BY JOHN CLAY, M.A. AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS.