Acacia, 40
Acetate of Alumina, 46, 56
Adjective dyes, 6, 60
Agrimony, 12
Alder, 11, 14, 15, 40
Alizarin, 60
Alkanet, 12
Alpaca, 1
Alum, 7,
for silk, 56,
cotton, linen, 46
Ammonia, 2, 3, 32
Aniline, 60
Annotto, Anatta, Annatta, Arnotto, 4, 50, 60
Arcel, 21
Archil, 19
Argol, 60
Areca, 40
Ash, 12
Barberry, 12,
for cotton, 4,
for silk, 38
Barwood, 34, 62
Bearberry, 12
Beck, 60
Bedstraw, 11
Bichromate of Potash, 9
Birch, 11, 12, 14
Black, 29, 40-42
dyeing plants, 15
for cotton, linen, 51
for silk, 58, 59
from alder, 40
from walnut, 41
with logwood, 29
Blackberry, 15
Blaeberry, 12, 14
Blue, 24-30
dyeing plants, 12
from lichen, 21
" logwood, 29
" whortleberry, 12
Blue vitriol, 10
Bluestone, 10
Bog asphodel, 12
Bog myrtle, 12
Bois de Campeche, 28
Bois jaune, 60
Bracken, 12
Bran, 33, 57
Bramble, 12
Brazil woods, 34
Broom, 12
Brown, 40-42
dyeing plants, 14
for cotton, 50
for wool from catechu, 40
from alder bark, 40
" crotal, 19
" Iceland moss, 22
" lichens, 22
" madder, 33, 42
" onion skins, 41
" peat soot, 41
" walnut, 41
Brownish red, 14, 34
Bryony, 14
Buckthorn, 12
Camel hair, 1
Camomile, 13
Campeachy wood, 28
Camwood, 34, 62
Carbonate of Potash, 62
Carbonate of Soda, 60
Carthamus, 60
Catechu, 40
for cotton, 46, 47, 50
Caustic potash, 28
Caustic soda, 25-28, 60
Centaury, 13
Chestnut, 47
Chrome, 9, 47, 56
Coal Tar Colours, 60
Coccus, 31, 32
Cochineal, 31
Copper, 10, 47
Copperas, 8, 9
Copper Sulphate, 10
Corydal, 13
Cotton, 4, 46-55
mordanting, 46
the colour of, 4
Crab Apple, 12
Cream of Tartar, 7, 10
Crimson—from cochineal, 32
from lichens, 17, 21
Crottle, Crotal, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 23
Cudbear, 16, 20
Cutch, 40
Damson, 14
Danewort, 14
Dandelion, 14
Deadly nightshade, 14
Detergent, 60
Devil's Bit, 12
Dip, 60
Divi-divi, 47, 60
Dock, 12, 15
Dog's Mercury, 12
Dulse, 14
Dyer's Broom, 38
Dyer's Greenwood, 12
Dyer's Spirit, 60
Dyer's Woodruff, 12
Elder, 12, 14, 15
Felting, to prevent, 3
Fenugrec, Fenugreek, 13, 60
Ferrous sulphate, 8
Flavin, 38
Flax, 4
Fleece, various kinds of, 1
Flowering reed, 14
French brown, 42
Fuller's Herb, 61
Fuller's Thistle, 61
Fumitory, 13
Fustic, 36
for green, 44
Fustet, 61
Gall nuts, 47, 61
Gamboge from lichen, 22
Golden rod, 13
Golden yellow from weld, 25
Gorse, 12
Gramme, 61
Green, 43-45
black, 42
dyeing plants, 13
from Fustic, 44
" Quercitron, 44
" Weld, 44
with logwood, 29
" Indigo extract, 44, 45
" Indigo vat, 43
" Indigo Extract and weld, 44
Green Vitriol, 8
Greening weed, 43
Greenish brown, 42
Greenish black, 42
Grey, 30
Grey from Catechu, 40
Gromwell, 12
Hazel colour from Peatsoot, 41
Heath, 13
Heather, 11, 39
Hellebore, 13
Hematin Crystals, 42
Hogs, 2
Hop, 13, 14
Hornbeam, 13
Hydrochloric acid, 28
Hydrosulphite vat, 25-28
Iceland Moss, 18, 22
Indigo, 24
Indigo Extract, 25
for green, 44, 45
Indigo Vats, 25-28
for cotton, 48
for cotton (zinc-lime), 51
for green, 43, 44, 45
Improvement of, 27
Indigo White, 27
Indigotine, 27
Iris, 11, 12, 15
Iron, 8, 9
for cotton, 47
for silk, 56
Iron filings, 6
Kashmir wool, 1
Kermes, Kerms, 31
Kilo, 61
Korkalett, 17
Korkir, 20
Lady's Bedstraw, 11, 12
Lamb's fleece, 1
Larch, 14
Lavender, 29
Lemon yellow from fustic, 36
from lichen, 20
Lesser Dye, 29
Ley, 61
Lichen dyes, 14, 16-23
list etc., for dyeing, 20-22
Lilac with cochineal, 32
Lily of the Valley, 14
Lima wood, 34
Lime, 52
Linen, 4, 5
Ling, 13
Litre, 61
Lixivitation, 61
Lixivium, 61
Logwood, 20, 28-30
Lucerne, 13
Madder, 12, 32, 42
Marsh Marigold, 13
Meadow Rue, 13
Meadowsweet, 15
Mercerised cotton, 61
Milling, 61
Mimosa, 40
Mohair, 1
Mordants, 8-10
for silk, 56
for linen and cotton, 46
Muriate of Tin, 9
Myrobalans, 47, 61
Nettle, 13, 14
Oak, 14, 15
Oak bark, 41
Oak galls, 47
Oak lung, 23
Oak rag, 23
Oil of vitriol, 24, 61
Old gold from fustic, 36
from weld, 35
Old fustic, 36
Olive from fustic, 25