Lichens used for dyeing wool brown. Continued from page 62 S. scrobiculata. Aik-raw, Oak rag. Found on trees in Scotland and England. Gyrophora deusta. Scorched looking gyrophora. Found on rocks in Scandinavia. LinnÆus states that it furnishes a paint called "Tousch," much used in Sweden. G. cylindrica. Cylindrical gyrophora. On rocks in Iceland. Greenish brown. Also G. deusta. Alectoria jubata. Horse hair lichen, Rock hair. On fir trees in England, pale greenish brown. Parmelia parietina. Common yellow wall lichen, WÄg-mÄssa, Wag-laf. England and Sweden on trees, rocks, walls, palings. Used to dye Easter eggs. Used in Sweden for wool dyeing. Cetraria juniperina. En-mossa. On trees in Scandinavia. Borrera flavicans. Yellow borrera. On trees in Germany, gamboge yellow. Lecanora candelaria. Ljus mÄssa. On trees in Sweden. Evernia flavicans. Wolf's-bane evernia. On trees in Scandinavia, gamboge yellow. Lecidea atro-virens. Map lichen. On rocks in Scandinavia. Lepraria chlorina. Brimstone coloured lepraria. Scandinavia, on rocks. L. Iolithus. Viol-mÄssa. Sweden, on stones. Gives to stones the appearance of blood stains. |