140. Under the name of marble are included all variegated stones, and therefore the term “marbling,” like that of “gilding,” which is applied to gold, silver and all metal leaves means considerably more than it should. Truthfully speaking marbles 141. General directions will be given in this and subsequent lessons as to “how” the various operations used for imitating marbles are performed, and the student will be referred to them when the special description of the various well-known marbles and other stones are given. The same operations 142. There is no need of special brushes or tools for any of the operations about to be described, and the ones described as useful for the imitation of wood by graining will more than suffice as but few brushes are needed. For laying the grounds, some of the larger flat ones and some smaller flat ones to lay in colors in smaller groups, and dry ones to blend them. Some fitches or small bristle artists’ brushes and some camel’s hair pencils with a few wing and tail feathers for putting in some of the finer veins, and badger blenders are about all the tools needed. 143. As to material, white lead and zinc white will form the bulk of it, as it is used either as a base or by itself in all the marbles that will be described, with, of course, the exception of the black marbles. As there are so many colors used in imitating All the above applies to oil color marbling only as work done in distemper is never varnished. The colors needed in water color marbling are the same as for oil work, only they must of course be in the dry state. 144. The walls of halls are sometimes done in imitation of marble slabs, and one is then required to scaffold for it in order to QUESTIONS ON LESSON XXVII.140. What is said regarding marble formation? 141. What of the general operation used in imitating marbles? 142. What are the tools needed in marbling? 143. What material is used in marbling? 144. What appliances are needed in wall work in order to reach their surfaces? |