68. Woods may be divided into two general classes: 1st. Those that are close grained and which when sawed into boards show very fine pores, or perhaps very little if any perceptible to the naked eye, as “holly,” for instance, and in a lesser degree in “satinwood.” 2d. Those that are composed of long, coarse ligaments, which when sawed into boards show a great number of pores, especially when the growth is comparatively regular, as in chestnut, walnut, etc.; with 69. There might be added a third division for those woods which have a jerky, crosswise fashion of growing, which to the unwary look as if there was no system in their growth, as in sycamore, rosewood, etc., but which they have as regular as any other just the same, as a kinky haired American of African extraction could truthfully claim for his tangled up specimen as against the rigid growth of that of the American Indian. As with hair, it will be found that most of the woods which grow in a tangled way are composed of very fine fibres, which grow closely together and therefore can be classed in class 1. 70. Before commencing the descriptions of the graining of the various woods it was thought best to examine some few general characteristics which belong to each class, and the student will then be able to tell at sight almost what may be the best manner On the other hand, nearly all woods that are classed in class two, but more especially those which are on the extreme side of that class should be stippled by all means, and the others are greatly helped by a partial stippling at least. Included in as stippling must be added the check roller work, as this may be done in such a way as to replace the stippling done with the flogger for certain woods, in the graining of some peculiar specimen of quartered oak especially. 71. Before attempting to do any graining, the student is earnestly advised to procure a number of small pieces of veneers of the various woods; to glue them over smooth boards, fill them with a good hardwood There is nor cannot be any better teacher than these samples will be. They need not cost much either. Frequently they can be obtained for a song at some of the furniture factories from ends that are too short for use in their regular work. 72. As it is a matter of indifference at least in practicing studies as to the colors QUESTIONS ON LESSON XIV.68. How may all the various woods be classed? 69. What is said of woods of gnarled growths? 70. When do the wood imitations need stippling? 71. What is said regarding the preparation of various samples of veneers for study? 72. What advice is given about preparing practice boards for graining study? |