
Dedicated to the Woman’s Relief Corps, whose tender,
thoughtful care has preserved the
sacred memorials of the war, and
to the memory of my
in arms
who have answered
the final
call; to the age-worn
remnant who still linger
behind, and to the younger
patriots of the present generation,
to whom it is given, in the happier
days of peace, to fight for their country
the bloodless battles of righteousness and truth.


Chapter. Page.
I. The Writer’s Credentials 19
II. View of a Confederate Prison 27
III. The Prison Commisariat 35
IV. A Dearth of Water 53
V. A Cry to Heaven 61
VI. Unsealing of the Spring 65
VII. Was It a Miracle? 72
VIII. Deliverance 85
IX. An Incident by the Way 93
X. A Sequel 103
Appendix. Page.
A. Contributory Testimony 116
B. Responsibility for Prison Treatment 119
C. Woman’s Relief Corps Memorial 123
D. A Memorial Day Meditation
Rev. H. H. Proctor, D. D. of Atlanta.
E. Permanent Honors for Confederate Heroes 141


The Author: As Prospective Soldier. As Present Writer.
Plan of the Prison Pen.
View of Interior and Foreground.
A Dream.
The Broken Stockade.
The Spring and Women of the Relief Corps.
Adventure in Wilmington Hospital.
The Beloved Teacher.
The Michigan Monument in Andersonville.
The Andersonville Cemetery.


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