Miss Mahaney at Turkey Park | Frontispiece | | Miss Mahaney’s $150.00 Prize Tom | v | | Showing Style of Runs | 17 | | The Mahaney System Develops Strong, Hardy Birds | 23 | | “Give the Turkeys All the Milk You Can” | 26 | | R. I. Reds and Plymouth Rocks Make Excellent Mothers | 43 | | Breeding Pens | 47 | | Turkeys Should Be Tamed | 51 | | Friends (Miss Mahaney and “Grandma Cleaves”) | 77 | | Women Make the Most Successful Turkey Raisers | 82 | | Turkeys Thrive Best on High Land | 92 | | Turkey Raising Is an Interesting and Healthful Occupation | 126 |