CHAPTER I The Theatre of the War CHAPTER II The Opening Campaign in Natal to the Investment of Ladysmith (October 11—November 2) CHAPTER III The Colonies and the Transports CHAPTER IV The Western Frontier to Magersfontein and Stormberg. Operations of General French about Colesberg CHAPTER V The Natal Campaign from the Investment of Ladysmith through the Battle of Colenso CHAPTER VI The Natal Campaign. British Prepare for a Flanking Attack upon the Boers' Right at the Tugela. The Boer Assault on Ladysmith, January 6th CHAPTER VII Natal Campaign. The Unsuccessful British Attempts to Turn the Boers' Right Flank at Spion Kop and at Vaal Krantz CHAPTER VIII The Relief of Kimberley and of Ladysmith, and the Surrender of Cronje
public@vhost@g@html@files@20987@20987-h@20987-h-2.htm.html#page176" class="pginternal">176; relieves Kimberley, 266-274; joins in the pursuit of Cronje to Paardeberg, 275. French settlers at the Cape, 1686, 4. Frere, Buller concentrates at, 216. "Front attack a desperate business," 59. Gama, Vasco da, 3. Gatacre, General, and the surprise at Stormberg, 171. Glencoe, 22, 30, 38. Graspan, 144; battle of, 150-152. Great Britain unprepared and unwilling for war, 31; no other nation has or will have such colonial responsibilities and experience, 91. Great Trek, the, 5. Hex River Pass, 26. Highland Brigade, the, at Magersfontein, 164-168. Hildyard, General, attacks Beacon Hill, 208. Hlangwane occupied by Buller's army, February 19, 294. Horse-sickness, 13, 97. Horses and mules, enormous numbers imported for the war in South Africa, 98. Imperial Federation, the dream of, converted into "a concrete and most pregnant fact" by Paul Kruger's Ultimatum, 74; "A most momentous fact in the World's History," 77. Imperial Government, the, and the colonies, 76, 80. Imperial Light Horse, the, General White's tribute to, 242. India, despatch of troops from, 30; arrival of the first transports from, 35, 84. Johannesburg, 11; occupied by Lord Roberts, May 31, 314. Jones, Digby, Lieutenant, gallant conduct and death of—"not in vain," 245. Jones, Captain, of the cruiser Forte, at Colenso, 217. Joubert, General, of French descent, 4; reports engagement at Dundee, 39; attacks Ladysmith, November 9, 195; Boer estimate of, 197. Kekewich, Lieut.-Col., and the defence of Kimberley, 136-141. Kimberley, 33, 106; its defence, 136-141; relief of, by General French, 266. Kitchener, General Lord, arrives with Lord Roberts at Cape Town, January 10, 1900, 232; fights a succession of rearguard actions with Cronje, 275 et seq. Klip River, the, 20. Koch, General, 39; occupies Elandslaagte, 48. Koorn Spruit, reverse at, 313. Kruger, President, 28; his ultimatum converts the dream of Imperial Federation into a "most pregnant fact," 74; anecdote of his "roaring" and "bellowing," 122; and Joubert, 196. Ladysmith, 15, 20, 22; causes which led to its investment, 27; Sir George White takes command at, 36; all communications with, cut off November 2, 67; decisive part played by, in the campaign, 111; importance of its tenure on the events of the campaign, 178; siege of, 192 et seq.; successful sorties by the British against Gun Hill and Surprise Hill, 215; Boer attack on CÆsar's Camp and Wagon Hill, 239; relief of, by General Buller, 303. Lambton, Captain, and the naval guns, 190. Landman's Drift, 40. Macdonald, General Hector, 268; at Paardeberg, 289. Mafeking, 33, 106; heroic endurance, 112; importance of its defence, 123; Kruger refuses to allow Cronje to storm it, 122. Magersfontein, 81; battle of, 162-167. Majuba Day, Cronje surrenders on, 289. Majuba Hill, 18, 22. Methuen, General Lord, appointed commander of the British corps at Orange River bridge, 109; and the battle of Belmont, 148-150; and the battle of Graspan, 150-152; and Modder River battle, 152-161; and the battle of Magersfontein, 162-167. Meyer, Commandant Lucas, 39. Milner, Sir Alfred, 28. Modder River, battle of, 152-161. Modern arms, power of, greatly exaggerated, 159, 161. Mooi River, the, 19. Naauwport Junction, 33, 104. Napoleon, 184, 186. Natal, 9; the rivers of, 21; opening of the campaign in, 28; campaign from the investment of Ladysmith through the battle of Colenso, 177 et seq. Naval brigade with guns from the Powerful gets into Ladysmith, 66. Nelson's dictum on "five minutes of delay," 58, 130. Newcastle occupied by the Boers 38. New Zealand and the war, 75. Nicholson's Nek, the disaster at 63-65. Orange Free State, its neutrality possibly more dangerous to the British than its hostility, 14. Orange River, strategic importance of the, 113. Origin of the two Boer states, 6. Over-sea transport of troops, &c., English system described, 92. Paardeberg, 14, 20; Cronje's fight and surrender at, 281-221. Park, Colonel, gallant conduct of, 246. Physical conditions of South Africa, 6. Pieter's Hill, battle of, 302. Plevna, 187. Port Elizabeth, 11. Portuguese East Africa, 3. Powell, Colonel Baden-, and Kruger, 122. Powerful, naval brigade from the cruiser, reaches Ladysmith with long-range guns "in the nick of time," 65. Pretoria, 11; occupied by Lord Roberts June 5, 314. Reddersburg, reverse at, Reitz, Secretary, anecdote of, 121. "Reverses always to be expected in war," 313. Rhodesia, 11. Rietfontein, White's action at, 60. Roberts, General Lord, 15; leaves England December 23, arrives at Cape Town January 10, 232; arrives at Modder Camp February 9, 267; enters Bloemfontein March 13, 305; occupies Johannesburg, 314; occupies Pretoria June 4, 314. Scott, Captain Percy, and the naval brigade guns, 67. Smith's Nek, 40. South African colonies, the, and the war, 83; seaports, importance of to British, 9. Spion Kop, battle of, 249-265. Springfontein, 11, 12. Spytfontein, 164. Steevens' description of the retreat of the Dundee column, 60; quoted, 103, 115, 118. Stormberg, 33, 104; British reverse at, 168-172. "Stupidity" of British officers, "where has it placed Great Britain among the nations of the earth?" 201. Suez Canal, 2; traffic of the, in war time, a warning, 100. Symons, General Sir Penn, his views as to the force needed, 29; takes command at Dundee, 36; wounded, 44; tribute to, 57; death of, 63, 69. Talana Hill described, 40; assault of by British, 43; the battle of, 43. Temper, the, which wins in war, 128. Transports and the colonies, 71; British arrangements, "a triumph of organisation," 86. Transvaal, the, imports wheat from Australia; poorness of the country in all but gold, 16; had for some years prepared for war, 35. Tugela River, the, 19; Buller's first attempt to pass the, 219; passage of the, by Buller's army and capture of Pieter's Hill, 300. Ultimatum presented by the Transvaal Government, 34, 35. United Kingdom's, the, effort, gigantic, unprecedented and unsurpassed in its success in military history, 85. United States, expansion of the, and Imperial Federation "secondary in importance to nothing contemporaneous," 80. Vaal Krantz, battle of, 264. Volunteers, the Natal Volunteers called out, 31. War, theatre of the, described, 1-28; was not desired by the British, 31; initiated by the Transvaal at 5 P.M., October 11, 1899, 34; effect of the, in uniting the Empire, 75. Warren, Lieut.-General Sir Charles, and Spion Kop, 249-265. Wauchope, General, killed at Magersfontein, 164-168. Weapons, modern, effect of, perhaps over-estimated, 59. Wessels at Kimberley, 124. Western frontier, the, 102. White, General Sir George, takes the Natal command, 31; takes command at Ladysmith, 36; tribute to, 69; gazetted Governor of Gibraltar, 103; and the siege of Ladysmith, 191. Wilkinson, Spencer, quoted, 69. Yule, General, succeeds General Symons, 46, 57; his famous retreat, 59. Zandspruit, 37. Footnote 1: Younghusband's "South Africa of To-day." Second Edition, 1899.(Back) Footnote 2: "Impressions of South Africa." Third Edition, p. 291.(Back) Footnote 3: "From Cape Town to Ladysmith," p. 79.(Back) Footnote 4: "Lessons of the War," p. 13.(Back) Footnote 5: More have sailed since the above information, but exact figures are wanting to the author.(Back) Footnote 6: The distance from Southampton, the chief though not the only port of departure, to Cape Town is 5,978 miles.(Back) Footnote 7: There may have been one or two more battalions of infantry, but I have not been able to trace such.(Back) Footnote 8: "From Cape Town to Ladysmith," pp. 16-20.(Back) Footnote 9: May 19, 1900.(Back) Footnote 10: Harper's Monthly Magazine, May, 1900, p. 827.(Back) Footnote 11: Ralph's "Toward Pretoria," p. 97.(Back) Footnote 12: Ralph's "Toward Pretoria," p. 104.(Back) Footnote 13: Julian Ralph, "Toward Pretoria," p. 153.(Back) Footnote 14: London Weekly Times, May 18.(Back) Footnote 15: I should greatly like here to take up my parable against those who base their calculations for the numbers and kinds of naval vessels upon the idea of "a navy for defence only"; but space and relevancy both forbid.(Back) Footnote 16: London Weekly Times, June 1, 1900. Captain the Hon. Hedworth Lambton, Commander of the "Powerful," accompanied the naval guns to Ladysmith, and was there throughout the siege.(Back) Footnote 17: London Weekly Times, April 27, 1900. Some other interesting siege statistics will be found in the same number.(Back) Footnote 18: London Times, June 25, 1900.(Back) Footnote 19: Harper's Monthly Magazine, July, 1900, p. 174.(Back) Footnote 20: The latest revised official returns of casualties now (July 18) accessible to the author are to be found in the London Times of July 4, and are complete to June 30.(Back) Footnote 21: Atkins, "Relief of Ladysmith," p. 117.(Back) Footnote 22: Burleigh, "Natal Campaign," p. 127.(Back) Footnote 23: Burleigh, "Natal Campaign," p. 128, 129. Atkins, "Relief of Ladysmith," p. 116.(Back) Footnote 24: Burleigh, "Natal Campaign," p. 129.(Back) Footnote 25: London Weekly Times, December 22, 1899.(Back) Footnote 26: Four statute miles equal 7,040 yards.(Back) Footnote 27: London Weekly Times, January 19, 1900. On the other hand, another correspondent who shared this view has said, "The consensus of military opinion seems to be that the ground being too rough and broken to the eastward, the chief column will try and effect a crossing far to the westward of Colenso." (Burleigh—p. 155).(Back) Footnote 28: This "3" in the copy before me may be a misprint for "8." The London Times correspondent gives 800 yards for the rifle fire.(Back) Footnote 29: Burleigh, "Natal Campaign," p. 240.(Back) Footnote 30: Burleigh's "Natal Campaign," p. 410.(Back) Footnote 31: London Weekly Times, February 23, 1900. In default of official reports, the author has depended chiefly upon the Times correspondence, and upon "Four Months Besieged," by Mr. H. H. Pearse, correspondent of the Daily News.(Back) Footnote 32: "The Cavalry Rush to Kimberley," by Captain Cecil Boyle, additional aide to General French. The Nineteenth Century, June, 1900, p. 907.(Back) Footnote 33: Lord Roberts' telegram.(Back) Footnote 34: London Weekly Times, March 23, 1900, p. ii.; also February 23, p. 114.(Back) Footnote 35: "The Cavalry Rush to Kimberley," p. 909.(Back) Footnote 36: See summary of a letter of Michael Davitt, whose Boer sympathies are well known, from Kroonstadt, March 31, to the Dublin Freeman's Journal, given in the London Times, June 25, 1900.(Back) Footnote 37: "The Cavalry Rush to Kimberley," p. 210.(Back) Footnote 38: London Weekly Times, March 23 and April 6 (p. iii). In the absence of official reports other than telegraphic summaries, the author has based his account chiefly on this authority.(Back) Footnote 39: Bullet's telegram from Ladysmith, March 2.(Back) Footnote 40: London Weekly Times, March 30, 1900.(Back) Footnote 41: These figures are taken from a speech made by the Under Secretary of War in Parliament, June 29, 1900.(Back)