

Don Isaac, 149, 241

Ephraim, 253

Abd-el-mumen, 138

Abd-er-rahman III., 134

Abed-nego, 60

Abraham ibn Ezra, 184, 194, 195, 202

Abudiente, 321

Abyssinia, 112, 313

Actium, 41

Ælia Capitolina, 85

Africa, 73, 221, 308

Agobard, 129

Agrippa, Herod, 54, 55, 56

Agrippa II., 57, 58

Aguilar, Grace, 330

Akiba, 81, 84

Alcharisi, Judah, 132


the Great, 11, 12

Balas, 23

JannÆus, 32

son of Aristobulus, 37

III., Pope, 160

Alexandra, Salome, 33

Alexandria, Jews in, 12, 52

Alfadhel, 207


VI., 137, 195, 198

VIII., 139

X., the Wise, 140

Alfred, 166

Algeria, 308

Alkabez, Sol., 273

Alkimos, 21

Alliance, Israelite, 314

Almamun, 128

Almohades, 138, 139, 205

Alsace, Jews in, 279, 304

Amoraim, 8

Amsterdam, 233

Anan, 121, 188

Ananias, 66

Anglo-Jewish Association, 314

Anne, Queen, 319

Antigonus, son of Aristobulus, 37, 39

Antioch, Jews in, 52


III., 14

IV., 16, 21

Sidetes, 24

Antipas, Herod, 55


the Idumean, 33, 38

son of Herod, 43

Antonio de Mendes, 318

Antony, Mark, 37

Apocrypha, 12, 13

Apollonius, 19

‘Apology for the honourable nation,’&c., 249

Arabia, Jews in, 113

Aramaic, 12

Archelaus, 47, 48

Archipelago, 100


II., 33, 37

brother of Mariamne, 40, 41

Arragon, 137

Artaxerxes, 7

Ascamoth, 315

Ascarelli, Deborah, 276

Ashi, Rabbi, 93

Ashkenazim, 116, 234

Asmoneans, 8

Asturias, 137

Auerbach, B., 264

Augustus, 43

Austria, 310

Auto-da-fÉ, 147

Avicebron, 191

Azariah de Rossi, 273


Jews in, 1, 6, 78, 97, 109

schools, 79, 109

Badge, worn by Jews, 173, 176

Bagdad, Kaliphs of, 124, 128

Bamberger, 288

Barcelona, massacre in, 144

Barcochba, 81

BarlÆus, Caspar, 243

Beaconsfield, 328

Belgium, 311


XIII., 145

of York, 169

Benjamin of Tudela, 161, 196

Berenice, 58, 72

Berlin, treaty of, 312

Bernal, Jac. Israel, 318

Bernard, St., 160

Bernhardt, Isaac, 290

Bertrand du Guesclin, 142

Bevis Marks Synagogue, 319

Bill for the removal of Jewish disabilities, 328 sq.

Bishop of

Spires, 160

Cologne, 160

Bither, 81

Black pestilence, 163, 221

Board of Deputies, 325

Boerne, 299

Bohemia, 281

Bomberg, Daniel, 269

Bonaparte, Jerome, 302

Bordeaux, Marannos in, 279

Bristol, 172

Bulan, 113, 201

Burying-place in London, 166, 321

Byzantine emperors, 99, 110

Cadiz, 148

CÆsar, Julius, 37, 38

CÆsarea, 48


Kaliphate of, 128

school at, 134

Calendar, fixed, 96

Caligula, 55, 56, 57

Caorsini, 174

Carlovingian dynasty, 128

Caro, Joseph, 272

Carlyle, 251

Casimir, the Great, 277

Cassius, 37

Castile, Jews in, 137

Catherine, Queen, 317

Ceba, 275

Censorship, 270

Central Europe, 152

Cestius Gallus, 58

Charlemagne, 124


the Bald, 151, 161, 193

VI., 164

I., of England, 245, 249

II., 317

Chasidim, 18, 19

Chaucer, 168

Chazan, 185

Cherem, 315

Child-killing charge, 167, 330

Chilperic, 100

Choice of Pearls, 192


I., 110

II., 112, 119

Christianity, 53

state-religion, 94

Christians, 53

Jewish, 75

New, 147

Christina of Sweden, 243

Chronicles, Saxon, 127, 165


on Temple-mount, 96, 110

councils, 107, 108

Claudius, 57

Cleopatra, 41

Clotaire, 119

Code NapolÉon, 302


Lipman, 275

Isaac, 275

Coin-clipping charge, 178

Colerus, 265

Colleges, see Schools

Cologne, 158

Commentary on the Mishnah by Maimonides, 206

Conciliator, 241

Constantine, 95, 96

Constantinople, 99

Constantius, 96

Conversions to Christianity, 299, 320

Copernicus, 274

Copia Sullam, Sarah, 275


Kaliphate of, 128

Jews in, 205

schools in, 132

Cossacks, massacre of Jews by, 278

Costa, Benj. Mendes da, 325

Crimea, 123

Cromwell, Oliver, 245

Crusades, 157

Cumberland, Richard, 327

Cuthea, 5

Cyrus, 2

Dagobert, 119

Daniel, 1

Danubian Provinces, 312

Darius, 6

David ben Maimon, 205

David ben Saccai, 189

Davids, Arthur Lumley, 330

Davis, Isr., 332

Deborah Ascarelli, 276

Demetrius, 23

Denmark, 311

Dessau, 284

Deutsch, Emanuel, 330

Dohm, 305

Dominicans, 267

Drusus, 55

Eardley, Lord, 321

Edward I., 176

Egidio di Viterbo, 268


Jews in, 12 sq.

Judea, ruled by the kings of, 14

Eleazar, 17

Eleazar, the Galilean, 72

Eleazar, the Maccabean, 22

Emancipation of the Jews in

Austria, 310

Belgium, 311

Denmark, 311

England, 323, 329

France, 304, 306

Germany, 303

Greece, 311

Holland, 310

Lombardy, 309

Naples, 309

Rome, 309

Sicily, 309

Sweden, 311

Switzerland, 311

Tuscany, 309

United States, 313

Venice, 309

Emanuel, Ed., 331

Emmaus, 20

Ende, Van den, 258

Erasmus, 260

Essenes, 31, 103


Book of, 7

a poem, 275

Ethnarch, 78

Eugene, Prince, 275

Eugenius III., 159

Ezekiel, 1, 3

Ezra, the Scribe, 7, 8, 9, 10

Fagius, 269

Falashas, 313

Fano, 270

Ferdinand of Naples, 221

Ferdinand II. of Arragon, 146148

Ferdinand III., the Saint, 140

‘Fountain of Life,’ 191

Frankel, Rabbi David, 285, 286

France, 100, 129, 161

Frankfort o. M., 219, 280

Franks, 100

Frederic Barbarossa, 164

Frederic III., 267

Frederic William IV., 303

Gabirol, 190, 193

Gallus, Cestius, 58

Gamala, 62

Gamaliel, last Patriarch, 96

Gans, David, 274

Gaonim, 116

Gaul, 100

Gemara, 93

George III., 326

George de Selve, 268

Gerizim, Temple on, 7, 25

Germany, 100, 164, 197, 216, 266, 308

Ghetto, 220, 282

Gideon, Sampson, 321

Gischala, 62

Goldsmid, Is. Lyon, 328

Gordon, Lord, 322

Goths, 99, 100

Governors of Judea, 57

Grace Aguilar, 330

Graetz, 198, 256

Granada, 132

riot in, 135

Great Synagogue, 15, 37

Greece, 73, 100


culture, 12

Jews, 53

GrÉgoire, AbbÉ, 305


I., 100, 108

IX., 140

Grotius, 243

‘Guide to the Perplexed,’ 210

burnt, 213

Habhdalah, 87

Hadrian, 79, 80

Hagadah, 92

Hai, 126

Halacha, 92

HalÉvy, Joseph, 312

Hampden, John, 245

Hanoch ben Moses, 134

Hanucah, 20

Hartog, Numa, 331

Haroun-al-Raschid, 124, 125

Hasdai ben Isaac, 134

Ha-yad ha-chazakah, 210


square characters introduced, 8

printing, 241, 269

Heine, H., 299

Helena, Empress, 95

Heliopolis, Temple in, 13


I., 166

II., 168

III., 168, 172, 175

Henry of Transtamare, 141

Hep, 138

Heraclius, 110, 119

Herder, 332

Herod Agrippa

I., 54, 55, 56

II., 57, 58, 72

Herod Antipas, 47, 55


governor of Galilee, 35

marries Mariamne, 35

king, 39

death of, 44

will of, 47

Herz, Dr. Marcus, 298

Herz, Henrietta, 298, 305

Hezekiah, last Gaon, 126

Hillel, 45, 92

II., 96

Himyerites, 112

Holland, 231

Holy Writings, 11

Honorius IV., 178

‘Hope of Israel,’ 244

Hoshea, 5

Hugh of Lincoln, 168, 175

Humanists, 268

Humboldt, 192

Hurwitz, Jesayah, 271

Hyrcan, John, 24, 30

Hyrcanus II., 33

mutilated, 39

death of, 41

Ibn Ezra,

Abraham, 184, 194, 195, 202

Moses, 195, 202

Ibn Hassan, Jekuthiel, 190

Idumeans, 76

Innocent IV., 160

Inquisition, 146, 148

Isaac, ambassador of Haroun al Raschid, 124

Isabella of Castile, 146, 148

Islam, 114

Israel, kingdom of, 2

d’Israeli, Benjamin, 328

d’Israeli, Isaac, 328

Itinerary of Benjamin of Tudela, 196

Jacob-hall, 166

Jaddua, 11, 15

James II., 318

Jamnia, 74, 78

Jason, 16


the Prince, 92

the Blind, 117, 188

Halevi, 198

Jeremiah, 3

Jerome Bonaparte, 302

Jerome, St., 85

‘Jerusalem’ by Mendelssohn, 293


New, 233

taken by Nebuchadnezzar, 1

by Pompey, 34

by Antony, 39

by Mahomedans, 116, 157, 159

by crusaders, 159

named Ælia Capitolina, 85

Jesus of Nazareth, 49


Christians, 75

homes, 104

Parliament, 175

schools, 90, 281

soldiers, 131

war with Rome, 81

Jewries, 143, 160

Jews, in

Africa, 73, 221, 308

Alexandria, 12, 52, 78

Antioch, 52, 73

Arabia, 113

Archipelago, 100

Babylon, 1, 3, 78, 97, 109

Belgium, 311

Bristol, 172

Central Europe, 152

Danubian Provinces, 312

Denmark, 311

the East, 97, 108, 266, 314

England, 127, 165 sqq., 246 sqq., 315 sqq.

France, 100, 129, 161, 216, 278

Germany, 100, 164, 197, 216, 266

Greece, 73, 100

Holland, 231, 254

Italy, 73, 100, 126, 308

London, 165 sq.

Norway, 311

Oxford, 165 sq.

Palestine, 5 sqq., 53, 96, 314

Persia, 37

Poland, 276, 311

Portugal, 222, 309

Rome, 33

Roumania, 312

Russia, 311

Spain, 100, 118, 310

Turkey, 314

United States, 313

York, 166, 169

Jews expelled from

England, 179

France, 164

Moravia, and Bohemia, 281

Portugal, 222

Spain, 148


origin of name, 1

people of the Land, Book, Ledger, 101

traders, 104

money-lenders, 153

slave-owners, 106 sq., 152

Crown property, 170

Joachin, Rabbi, 170

Jochanan ben Saccai, 74

John of Anjou, 171

John Hyrcan, 24, 30

John of Gischala, 65, 71

Jonathan the Maccabean, 22

Joppa, 24

Joseph Caro, 272

Joseph HalÉvy, 312

Joseph ben Israel, 240

Joseph ben Samuel, 135

Joseph of Portugal, 222

Josephus, 59, 61, 72, 73

Joshua (Jason), 16

Joshua van Oven, 330

Jotapata, 60

Judah, the Prince (or Jehudah), 92

Judaism and Christianity, 53

Judaism and Islam, 114

Judas the Galilean, 49

Judas Maccabeus, 19, 20

death of, 22

Judenhetze, 304

JÜdisch-deutsch, 282

Julian, the Apostate, 97, 98

Justinian, 100

Kabbala, 256

Kairuan, 134

Kaliphs, 115

Kaliphs of Bagdad, 124

Kallah, 87, 90, 117

Kant, 292

Karaism, 120

Karaites, 120, 123

Khozars, 113, 201

Kiddush, 87

Kingly crown, 191

Koran, 111, 112

Lavater, 293

Law, Oral, 91

Leibzoll, 302, 310

Leon, 137

Leonidas, 7

Leopold I., 281

Lessing, 291, 295, 297

Levitas, Elias, 268

Library, Hebrew, 275

Lincoln, 166


Jacob, 267

Joseph, 267

Lombards, 100

Lombardy, 309


I., le DÉbonnaire, 128, 151

IX., 162, 163

XIII., 279

XIV., 263, 279

XVI., 278

Luria, Isaac, 271

Luther, Martin, 260

Macaulay, 329


Judas, 19, 20

Eleazar, 22

Jonathan, 22

Simon, 23

Machzor, 184

Mahamad, 111, 112, 316

Mahomed IV., 228

Mahomedanism, 115

Mahomedans, 116

Maimon, 204

Maimonides, 204, 214, 215

Mainz, 158, 159, 194

Malachi, 8

Malaga, 190

Manasseh ben Israel, 239 sqq., 257

in England, 246 sq.

Mantua, 270

Manuel of Portugal, 222

Marannos, 144, 145

Marathon, 6

Maria Theresa, 281

Mariamne, 35, 43

Marseilles, 130

Martinez, Ferdinand, 144

Mary, Queen, 232

Masada, 71

Massora, 123

Mattathias, 18

Maximilian I., 219, 267

Meeting-houses for prayer, 86

Meisel, Mordecai, 281

Menahem ben Saruk, 125

Mendel of Dessau, 284


Moses, 284 sqq.

Felix Bartholdy, 295

Menelaus, 16

Meshach, 60

Messiah, 49, 227

Metz, 158

Middleburg, 283

Midrash, 12, 93

Mikra, 93

Minhag, 184

Minyan, 87

Mirabeau, 305

Miscellany of Hebrew Literature, 208

Mishnah, 93

Commentary on, 206

Modin, 18

Monks, 102, 103


Sir Moses, 22, 331

Leonard, 331

Montpelier, 130

Moors, 116

Mordecai, 7

Morteira, Rabbi Saul, 258

Moses-hall, 166


ben Hanoch, 133, 134

ibn Ezra, 195, 202

Isserles, 273

Maimonides, 204, 214, 215

Mendelssohn, 284 sqq.

Netto, 316

Munk, 191

Mutavakel, 125, 188

Naaman, 60

Nabi, 8

Nagid, 133, 135

Naples, Jews in, 220

NapolÉon Bonaparte, 222, 302

Code NapolÉon, 302

Narbonne, 134

Naseby, 251

Nasi, 45, 78, 87

‘Nathan der Weise,’ 292

Nathan, prophet of Sabb. Zevi, 227

Naturalisation Act, 323

Navarre, 137

Nebuchadnezzar, 1, 2

Nehardea, 88

Nehemiah, 7, 8, 9, 10

Nero, 58

New Christians, 147

New Jerusalem, 233

New Testament, 51

Nicholas, Czar, 22

Nicholas, Edward, 249

Norway, 311

Norwich, 166

Sir William of, 167

Obscurants, 268

Octavius, 41

Omar, 117, 125

Ommeyades, 130, 138, 198, 205


I., 15

II., 15

III., 16


D., 274

S., 275

H. I., ib.

Oral Law, 91

Oven, Joshua van, 330


emigration to, 218

return to, 2, 4

settlements in, 314

Paris, 130

Parliamentary Oath Amendment Bill, 330

Parshandatha, 194

Parthians, 38, 78

Pass, Elias de, 324

Patriarch, 87

Paul of Tarsus, 54, 94

Pentateuch, 11

Pepys’ Diary, 317

Pereira brothers, 242

Persia, 2

war with Byzantine emperors, 110

Pesaro, 270


of Arragon, 137, 198

the Cruel, 141

Petition of Manasseh ben Israel, 247

Pfefferkorn, Joseph, 219, 267

‘PhÆdon,’ 293

Pharisees, 25, 26

Phasael, son of Antipater, 35, 38, 39


II., Augustus, 162

IV., the Fair, 162, 216


II., of Spain, 232

III., 240

son of Herod, 47, 55

Philippi, 38

Philo, 53, 57

Piyutim, 183

Poisoning wells, 163

Poland, Jews in, 276, 311

Pombal, 222

Pompey, 34, 37

Pontius Pilate, 52

Popes, 100, 108, 119, 140, 145, 146, 159, 160, 178


Jews in, 137

expelled, 222

readmitted, 309

Prague, 281

Printing of Hebrew, 241, 269

Prophets, 11


I., 14

II., 14

IV., 14

Pumbaditha, 117, 124

Purim, 7

Rab, Rabbenu, Rabbi, 45

Raba, 194

Rachel, of Toledo, 139

Rambam, 194

Rashi, 193 sq.

Ratisbon, 219


in Germany, 303

in Rome, 309

Recared, 100

Resh-gelutha, 79, 87, 117, 118

Reuchlin, Joh., 220, 267


I., 168, 170, 207

of Cornwall, 175

Ritual, 12

Robespierre, 306


alliance, 23

arbitration, 34

code, 101

games, 44

governors, 48, 57

policy, 17


Jews in, 33, 309

embassy to, 21

Rossi, Azariah de, 273

Rothschild, Baron Lionel de, 329

Roumania, 312


of Hapsburg, 217

II., 281

Russell, Lord John, 329

Saadia, 126, 188, 189

Sabbath, enforced by Nehemiah, 10

Sabbatai Zevi, 226 sqq.

Sadducees, 25

Sadok, 27

Saints, 102

Saladin, 207

Salerno, 130


sister of Herod, 42

Alexandra, 33

Salomons, Sir D., 329, 330

Samaritans, 5, 9, 25, 76


Levi, 141

ibn Nagrela, 135

ibn Tibbon, 208

son of Manasseh ben Israel, 246

of Nehardea, 88, 109

Sanballat, 9

Sanhedrin, 36, 37, 49, 78

in Paris, 307

Saracens, 99, 116

Sarah Copia Sullam, 275

Saxon Chronicles, 127, 165


Jewish, 281

in Palestine, 93

in Babylon, 79, 109, 126, 152

Scriptures, Holy, 11

Seleucus, 15

Selichoth, 184

Sephardim, 116, 234

Sepphoris, 78

Septuagint, 13

Sermons in churches for Jews, 178

Severus, Julius, 80


riot in, 143

Inquisition, 148

Shadrach, 60

Shalmaneser, 2, 5

Shammai, 46

Shapor, king of Persia, 88

Sheba, queen of, 112

Sheloh, 271

Shemaiah, 38

Sherira, 126

Sicarii, 64


the Just, 15

the Maccabean, 23, 24

ben Jochai, 271

Nasi, 87

Stylites, 102

Sisebut, 119

Sixtus IV., 146

Slave-trade, 106, 107, 152

Smyrna, 226


Alkabez, 273

ibn Gabirol, 190, 193

Isaaci, 193

Solomon, King, 112

Soncino, Gerson, 270

Sopherim, 8

Sora or Sura, 87, 117, 124, 133


Jews in, 100, 118

expelled from, 148

returned to, 310

schools, 132

Spartans, 7

Spinoza, 254 sqq.

Spires, 158, 159

Stephen, 166

Stepney, burial place in, 253

Strasburg, 158, 159

Stuarts, 317

Sunnah, 121

Sura, see Sora

Sweden, 311


Great, 15, 37

synagogue in London, 315, 319

Syria, 14

Talmud, 93, 162, 219

Talmudists, 123, 267

Tanaim, 8, 89

Tarichea, 62

Tedescos, 318


destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar, 2

Titus, 68

plundered, 17, 38

rebuilt, 5

permission to rebuild, 98

heathen temple in its place, 80

church, 96, 110

mosque, 116

Theodores, Prof., 330

Theodosius, 99

ThermopylÆ, 7

Tiberias, 78, 87, 215

Tiberius, 55

Titus, 58, 59, 66 sqq., 71

Toledo, 132, 137, 141

riot in, 138

Torquemada, Th., 148

Tortosa, disputation, 145

Toulouse, 130

Tractatus, Theol. Polit., 263

Trajan, 79

TrÈves, massacre of Jews, 158

Trinity, 54, 94, 110

Triumvirate, 38

Tryphon, 23

United States, Jews in, 313

Uriel da Costa, 236

Usury, charge of, 154

Uziel, Rabbi Isaac, 240

Van den Ende, 258

Vandals, 99, 100

Venice, 220

Vespasian, 58, 59, 63

Vienna, 281

VindiciÆ JudÆorum, 246, 253

translated into German, 293

Visigoths, 136

Vossius, Isaac, 243

Vries, De, 261

Walpole, Sir Robert, 321


I., 127, 165, 166

II., 166

III., 318

IV., 324

William, St., of Norwich, 167

William the Silent, 232

Worms, 158, 194, 219

Xerxes, 7

York, 166, 169

Zadok, Rabbi, 89

Zaddikim, 18, 19, 27

Zealots, 64, 66

Zedekiah, physician to LouisI., 129, 151, 161

Zerubbabel, 4

Zohar, 271

Zunz, L., 299 sq.

Spottiswoode & Co. Printers, New-street Square, London.

JULY 1886.


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