1– | Dean Stanley’s phrase. | 2– | ??????????, ???????????? and ????????????: abbreviated ??????. | 3– | Nasi, ???????, ‘Prince.’ Later on, the titles ????????, our master, ????????, my master, and ????? master, were in use. | 4– | B. Disraeli’s Home Letters, p.119. | 5– | Renan. | 6– | Tanaim may be translated teachers, but it is applied only to the teachers of the Mishnic period. | 7– | See ante, p.31. | 8– | Mahomedans is the general name given to the followers of Mahomed and professors of the faith of Islam; but Mahomedans are also called Moors and Saracens, in somewhat the same geographical sense that modern Jews are divided into Sephardim and Ashkenazim (i.e. Spanish and German). The Saracens are those Mahomedans who dwelt in the East and crossed over into Turkey. The word is Arabic in its derivation (sarog, east; and sirocco, wind). The Moors were those Mahomedans who dwelt in Morocco and crossed over into Spain. See map. | 9– | The word means excellence. | 10– | Koran has the same derivation. | 11– | Mrs. Browning. | 12– | Massora means tradition. | 13– | Franzos. | 14– | The literary portion of the history of this period will be found in Book III., ‘Starlight.’ | 15– | Alcharisi. | 16– | ????????????, Hebrew for Toledo. | 17– | One of these Rabbis subsequently founded a college at Cairo, another in Kairuan, and the third, it is said, at Narbonne. | 18– | H E P, supposed by some to be the initial letters of the three words Hierosolyma est perdita, meaning Jerusalem is lost, was the war-cry of the Crusaders. The object of the Crusaders was to regain Jerusalem. Hep, Hep, was their signal for murdering and plundering Jews en route. It grew to be a most familiar sound in the Middle Ages. | 19– | See Maimonides, BookIII., chap.xxviii. | 20– | Capital of Arragon. See map. | 21– | From the Hebrew ???????? ???????. | 22– | See p. 103. | 23– | The remainder of this paragraph is quoted almost verbatim from the author’s work, About the Jews since Bible Times. | 24– | Prov. xi.1; xx.10. | 25– | The Prioress’s Tale. | 26– | See page 72. | 27– | The badge was called a tabula, and was probably made in imitation of the two tables of the Law which Moses is, pictorially, represented as carrying. At first this badge was made of white linen or parchment; it was afterwards altered to yellow felt. | 28– | A mark was a coin of the value of 13s. 4d. | | |