
I. A Small Dinner Becomes a Party 11
II. Peggy is Surprised 26
III. On the Horns of a Dilemma 40
IV. The Search 53
V. Friends in Need 69
VI. Appearances Against Her 81
VII. David Owen is Informed of the Facts 94
VIII. Before the Council 108
IX. Out of the Frying-Pan Into the Fire 120
X. A Race for Life 134
XI. The Choice of Fairfax 144
XII. “They Must Go Home” 163
XIII. A Woman’s Wit 176
XIV. Marching Orders 194
XV. The Attack on the Blockhouse 215
XVI. “Of what Was He Guilty?” 227
XVII. A Glimpse of Home 244
XVIII. Herod Out Heroded 256
XIX. The Turn of the Wheel 272
XX. A Slight Emphasis of “That” 285
XXI. Chosen by Lot 303
XXII. What Can Be Done? 318
XXIII. A Little Humor Despite a Grim Situation 334
XXIV. “Thee May Tell Him at the Last” 348
XXV. At Headquarters 363
XXVI. The Adventure of the Glen 376
XXVII. The Safeguard of his Honor 392
XXVIII. “How Could She Know?” 407
XXIX. In the Shadow of Death 424
XXX. And Then the End 437


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