Sift dry ingredients together. Combine egg and milk and add gradually to dry ingredients to make smooth batter (beat with rotary beater). Add shortening. Drop batter on hot, greased baking sheet. (do not re-grease sheet between bakings). Makes about one dozen. Transcriber's notes: The following is a list of changes made to the original. BAKED SNAPPER CUBA: "sexared" changed to "seared" LASAGNE: "organo" changed to "oregano" in list of ingredients BEEF PORCUPINE: "hamberger" changed to "hamburger" in list of ingredients SOUR CREAM VEAL STEW: "bouillion" changed to "bouillon" in list of ingredients HOT SLAW—GERMAN CABBAGE: "wate water" changed to "water" SALADS: "mild" changed to "milk" SOFT CHOCOLATE FROSTING: "margerine" changed to "margarine" in list of ingredients RANGER COOKIES: "Crean" changed to "Cream" STRUDEL: "raisens" changed to "raisins" in list of ingredients GERMAN SWEET CHOCOLATE CAKE: Repeated "in" removed from LEMON MERINGUE PIE: "sligthly" changed to "slightly" in list of ingredients SINGLE 8" PIE CRUST: "Buil" changed to "Build" CLAM DIP FOR POTATO CHIPS "Worstershire" changed to "Worcestershire" in list of ingredients ALL PURPOSE PASTRY: "margerine" changed to "margarine" in list of ingredients BIRCHER MUES: "teasoons" changed to "teaspoons" in list of ingredients |